ENG – Corps et société aujourd’hui
2011 T. 29 n°3

Bernard Golse
On the concept of neuro-psychoanalysis
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Jacques Dayan, Bérangère Guillery-Girard 
Adolescent behavior and brain development : psychoanalysis and neurosciences
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Lisa Ouss-Ryngaert
The act as process?
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Rémy Potier
Truth and illusion of crossover approaches between psychoanalysis et neurosciences. an interview with Roland Gori
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Philippe Gutton
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Alain Ehrenberg
La société du malaise. presentation for a dialogue between clinical practice and sociology
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François Richard
Can one speak of a « society of discontent » ?
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Daniel Marcelli
Adolescents and society : remarks on neurotic organizations and their development over time
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Anne Tassel
Responsibility without guilt ?
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Joëlle Bordet
Another look at young people living in conditions of social inequality
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Jacques Dayan
Autonomy as value
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Marie-Jeanne Guedj
Emergencies in adolescence
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Henri Flavigny
Psychiatric emergencies and/or crisis centers ?
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Béatrice Mabilon-Bonfils
Do pupils suffer at school ? unspoken « ordinary » academic suffering
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Johanne Rosier
The house of Bernarda Alba : the disavowal of the feminine and the refusal of change
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Philippe Gutton
Transgressing or transcribing
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Alejandro Rojas-Urrego
Just call me love and i’ll be rebaptized
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Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7