Starting with the definition of incasables (unplaceables) in specialist literature, the author will focus on the drive sources of the violent and asocial behaviors of these youths living on the margins of the medico-social system. The article combines metapsychological reflection about trauma with a clinical case that illustrates in a particular way the pitfalls of a life strewn with obstacles and shows the hopes as well as the limits of outpatient psychotherapeutic work.
The authors recommend a multidisciplinary approach as a way of addressing new forms of destructiveness in adolescents called “unplaceable”. They maintain that it is crucial to consider not only their symptoms, but also the course of their life, the deficiencies and obstacles they have faced, as well as their desires and fantasies. They may thus be able to retain some trace of the capacities for containment and elaboration of the adults they have met in the course of treatment.
Adolescence, 2021, 39, 2, 251-255.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7