Archives par mot-clé : Unconscious guilt

Dominique Agostini : Melanie Klein, Analyst of Adolescents: The Case of “Ilse”

Having studied the case of “ Felix ” and the Kleinian concepts of internal objects and of unconscious fantasy illustrated by the case of this adolescent boy, the author uses the case of “ Ilse ” to explore Kleinian conceptions of female sexual identity.
Klein centered her analysis of Ilse on this adolescent girl’s envious sadism towards an internal mother who was, in fantasy, the owner of the father, and on the omnipotent guilt which mirrored these fantasies. This guilt robbed Ilse of her passage through “ psychical puberty ” and, consequently, of all the rest of her development. While the first part of the analysis sets Ilse in the latency phase, the attenuation of her guilt in analysis will improve her feeling of identity, of personal responsibility : Ilse becomes more genuine, more free.

Dominique Agostini : Melanie Klein, Analyst of Adolescents: III. The Case of “Willy”

Based on the case of “Felix,” which led to the concepts of internal objects and unconscious fantasies, and the case of “Ilse,” in which the focus was on the Kleinian concepts of feminine sexual identity, the author explores material from the analysis of “Willy” (aged fourteen). In this analysis, Klein illustrates and conceptualizes — as in the cases of Felix and Ilse — that revisiting the early Oedipal phase during adolescence is the condition  <i>sine qua non</i> for the joint integrative development of psychic bisexuality and “psychic puberty.” Klein relates this work to the concepts of the feminine phase common to both sexes, of combining parents, and of male homosexuality.