Archives par mot-clé : Transmission

Alain Braconnier : Crise de la transmission ?

L’auteur interroge les liens entre crise de la transmission, crise des identifications transgénérationnelles et crise d’identité, et leurs effets sur la construction identitaire des adolescents. Dans notre pratique, ne serions-nous pas confrontés à la conflictualité de ces trois domaines et nous-mêmes les supports transférentiels (et contre-transférentiels) potentiels de trois modes de relation d’objets avec les adolescents et les familles que nous rencontrons.

Adolescence, 2017, 35, 2, 261-268.

Didier Lauru: Lacan’s adolescence.

The author uses lacanian concepts in order to review important clinical situations that stand out during adolescence such as being enamored and the love/hate relationship. Adolescent temporality is brought to light with the three logical times elaborated by J. Lacan, including the adult’s repetition of phases of love that reinitiate the cycle of adolescent problematics. This juvenile phase is also a period of transmission.

Adolescence, 2016, 34, 2, 357-375.

Didier Lauru : Lacan à l’adolescence.

L’auteur déploie des concepts lacaniens pour revisiter certains faits cliniques saillants à l’adolescence, autour de l’énamoration, du rapport amour/haine. La temporalité adolescente est éclairée avec les trois temps logiques élaborés par J. Lacan, en y incluant les répétitions de phases amoureuses chez l’adulte qui rouvrent le cycle des problématiques adolescentes. Cette phase juvénile est aussi le temps de la transmission.

Adolescence, 2016, 34, 2, 357-375.

Françoise Hatchuel : Investment and Growing Up: Rituals to Shore Up the “I”

Defining “helping to grow up” as a way of supporting the capacity for investment, this paper works at the crossroads of anthropology and psychoanalysis to show how traditional rites of passage to adulthood can support the formation of the “I” and how spaces for elaboration become necessary to ensure this function when the external world has trouble providing symbolic certainty.

Adolescence, T. 31 n°1, pp. 135-144.


»Taking a research on wine representations among young adults as a starting point, we have envisaged the question of filiation and the paternal function within a trans-generational dynamic. After having conducted clinical interviews where the sole instruction was : Tell us your personal story about wine «, we discovered that people associate the signifier « wine « with unexpected issues. Thinking about wine very often means thinking about the father, and also of the mother. The case of Lucien will show how, through the play of the transference, the clinical research interview was able to enable the subject put a traumatic domestic history into words.»


Some high-risk behaviours have been understood as being symptomatic of this « breaking down » of rites during adolescence. Those behaviours are more used to get closer to death, to reintegrate ordalic sentence when teenagers can’t integrate the imperceptible, because of a lack of support by institution references during their progression. However, those paradoxical sequences, on a coded way, also flirt with self-creation mechanisms in a context of traumatic filiation. Thus, those dynamics are supported by both teenage process of their groups, and are mobilized on a negative way when traumatic violences heritage reign. We suggest discussing about these configurations with a young harkis group example.

Serge Hefez : Adolescence and aids, the impossible transmission

Most questions asked by HIV positive adolescents belonging to our speech-group deal with the secret around the contaminations.

Such a secret entail splittings and denials which, at first, protect the adolescent and the rest of the family. Then, however, it rapidly turns into an attractor which swallows the emotional cathexes, which structures a post towards which the resistances of the discourse converge and which cristallizes the defence mechanism system into an organizing figure of both repetition and homeostasis.

The disavowal mechanisms of its transmission have been studied a great deal on the transgenerational level. Groups and family work however compell us to be more careful about new mechanisms, namely the processes and psychological mechanisms at work in the intergenerational dynamics.

Emmanuel Diet : critical perspectives on adolescence, school acculturation and hypermodern politics

In the context of neo-liberalism and the collapse of social meta-frameworks, the disavowal of generational difference provokes a crisis in cultural transmission at school by avoiding the conflictual nature of Oedipal conflicts and attacking psychical and cultural organizers. Adolescent suffering, violence and transgression should be understood as symptoms and consequences of the political idealization of perversion and of regression to the infantile in the socio-historical situation.

Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°2, pp. 431-445.