In the current way of receiving adolescents and their parents at the Maison des Adolescents of Yvelines Sud, the biggest pitfall for the therapeutic staff is the risk of collusion with certain defense mechanisms of the youngsters and/or their families. Such collusions can hamper the work of narration and co-construction during encounters, starting with the representations of the adolescents, of their entourage, their difficulties finding their way and the resources available to them in their territory.
This article aims to retrace the evolution since the eighties of the relationship between youths and the economy of the drug trade and to analyze their influence on their modes of socialization. With reference to these analyses, we identify education issues, in relation to the youths themselves, their families and the professionals who have daily contact with them.
In this article, we aim to resist representations of youth as effect or victim, by creating new potential supposed to both listen to the adolescent in his singularity as a subject and to analyze what he represents as a socio-political issue for society. This objective pre-supposes new exchanges and new cooperation not only between technician-participants, but within society as a whole.
The current article deals with the influence of territorial context on the intervention of teenagers’ treatment centers (modes and axes of intervention). To demonstrate the existence of this relationship, one particular example is used : the Avicennes center (« Maison des Adolescents ») in Bobigny. The article studies the local particularities of the Seine-Saint-Denis department from the points of view of history, specific problems, and local public policies in the fields of social, health and youth affairs. Then it shows the ways these elements impact the choices made for the teenagers’ center functioning where the types of care or the innovations are concerned. More broadly, the article attempts to explain the reasons for the specificities that are currently characterize teenagers’ treatment centers in our country.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7