Our reflection relates to the articulation between individual psychotherapy and psychodrama. It explores the transference and the appropriateness of psychical work involving several speakers when the process is bogged down in the face-to-face.
Today’s delinquency, characterized by aggression against the other, the counterpart, which is often sudden, indeed, an immediate, destructive explosion, belongs to the archaic which has to do with the subjective existence of the subject. Judicial approaches offer forms of social re-education and prevention, focused on the transgressive, disorganizing act rather than on the potential for starting over, lead to the « confinement » of these problematic adolescents and young adults, reproducing a stigmatization of the troublemakers within prison walls.
In what turns out to be an impasse, « confinement » can carry out and induce the dynamic of a passage, by establishing frameworks for therapeutic mediation which involve the violent adolescent in a work of psychical re-elaboration and in a relaunching of his subjective dynamic. This opens the way to constructive and creative drive satisfactions which are not just a place of release for these adolescents. These transformative spaces can lead to symbolization and put these youths back into a network of intersubjectivity, a community of exchanges enabling them to turns towards a space of possibilities. Adolescence, 2013, 30, 4, 797-813.
This article discusses individual psychoanalytic psychodrama in a health center for adolescents (« Maison des Adolescents-Maison de Solenn »). After a brief historical and theoretical review, the authors present their treatment setting, which is based on individual psychoanalysis, group psychoanalysis and transcultural psychiatry. The psychodramatic treatment of an internationally adopted young girl will then be displayed.
Starting with the distinction made by D. Arsenault and M. Picard between sensory, systemic and fictional immersion, the text tries to provide a metapsychological point of view of the phenomenon. Immersion can be caused by saturation of the senses, mastering of the game or identification to the protagonist. Regression, denial and attractor object correspond to the different types of immersion. As regression, the video game immersion is a fantasy of uterine regression and corresponds to different stages of the construction of reality. As negation, it relies on the suspension of the judgment of existence and a prevailing operation of self-pleasure ; as an attractor objet, video game immersion organizes the psyche around an aesthetic object. The different types of video immersion are linked to the ways each one interiorizes the world and reflect symbolizations by the body, by images and by words.
After providing a socio-anthropological framework for what is called female genital mutilation, a clinical sequence will enable us to examine the deepest unconscious underpinnings of these. Such social practices can shed light on the unconscious foundations of certain clinical manifestations, especially concerning adolescents and their odd « rites of passage ».
Using two clinical cases showing how impossible de-idealization is in late adolescence, the article explores the specific nature of religious idealizations. It shows the intrinsic relation between the ideal, the need for the absolute and faith in a divine figure. The ensuing study of paths followed by three adolescents helps give an idea of an ambiguity intrinsic to the religious ideal.
In the daily life of children and adolescents, particular conducts may be noted : asphyxiation « games », aggression « games » and death « games ». In light of my regular experience with young people involved in these kinds of conducts, I propose some ideas about the processes at work. In the first part I will present these different « games » and the way they are frequently confused with other kinds of activity ; then I will describe the effect on thought processes and the object relation they imply.
The creative work is at the center of the operation teenager, marked by the encounter with the opposite sex, the confrontation with the limits and narcissistic discomfort, but also disillusionment resulting from the promises and hopes childhood. This profound change opens the way for the creative act or creation. Emergence of originality, intense expression, the pursuit of ideals, exploring systems of thought, production of new cultural objects, care for staging, are characteristic lines of the artistic creation which meet in the process of creation of one that is the adolescence. The act of creation he would return to the process of adolescence as a paradigm of creative crisis ? Is it specific portion adolescent in order to bring the concerns and distractions of this period of life ?
Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°1, pp. 87-111.
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