This article proposes a discussion of the creative process in Camille Claudel (1864-1943) and the complex interaction between her art work and time. First, the author stresses the particular sensibility of the artist for time. Second, eight art pieces are presented and analyzed in their specific bond to time.
Archives par mot-clé : Sublimation
The author relates the many adolescent martyrs and murderers in the work of the writer Mishima to his own life, leading to reflections on masochism and sadism as after-effects of early traumatic experiences. As long as Mishima managed to successfully sublimate through the accomplishment of a literary work, his masochism could be used as a « guardian of life » in an attempt to overcome trauma – afterwards (« après-coup ») – and unfold a hidden message. However, the writer seems to have been subsequently overwhelmed by the destructive potential of detached death impulses and carried away to his death by a mortified masochism without repairing his primordial narcissistic injuries and without curing the primary object deprivation.
In the first part of this article I propose a reflection on the religious experience such as it is recounted by certain adolescents during the celebration of the « mystery ». I will then review succinctly the social order established by religion. In this confrontation between « subjective and objective rite », the second part of the article will show how it is necessary to situate their encounter at the deepest level which is that of otherness, that is, of the inter-subjectal bond. The argument will follow accounts by two writers on the mystery in question : that of F.-R. de Chateaubriand and that of A. Gide.
When adolescent creativeness is unable to reconstruct the I-Ego taking into account the newness of puberty, the psychoanalyst must invent a specific practice : construction work with which the adolescent can identify. When adolescent creativeness is unshared and unable to be shared, the treatment should offer common ground where a two-person perlaboration can develop, in which the conditions (usually infantile) of the impasse (breakdown) will be imagined together. We will discuss : modes of intervention, particularly their flexibility and their limits ; the difference it makes whether the adolescent brings material to the session or not ; the process in play in the analyst’s constructions (in this case sublimation, which is opposed to the control exercised by the ideal) ; the implicit risk of deconstruction in any imaginary suggestion made by the analyst.
Philippe Gutton, Marie-Christine Aubray : between us
The concept of the bond is defined on the basis of the tertiary processes Green has studied. The « we » approaches the intersubjectal, widening this definition. The use of the terms psychopathology and psychotherapy of the bond is more clear. A clinical discussion by Marie-Christine Aubray follows.
Myriam Boubli, Brigitte Efrat-Boubli : parenthood : a process fostering psychic growth beyond the confusion of tongues
The notion of « parenthood » is seen here as a mostly unconscious process, beginning in archaic and primordial foundations and ending in the establishment of social bonding. While avoiding the risk of a parasitic bonding system, « parenthood » allows for the development of interrelations between partners, the Oedipal triangulation and the construction of a sexual identity. In addition, at its most organized level, through sublimation, this process fosters socialization and creativity.
Philippe Gutton: the trace of the pubertaire
The experience of the pubertaire has a central place in the treatment of the adult. It is the trace out of which the dream and the psychical work of the adolescens develop. Affirming and confirming its innovative value in the revisiting of childhood sexuality inspires images in dreams in the wake of adolescent subjectivation. This point of view justifies interventions aimed at deconstructing infantile phallic theories whose rigidity is liable to stifle the pubertaire.
Maurice Corcos, Emma Sabouret, Denis Bochereau : sublimations in adolescence “ of sound and fury ”
Rap as art and a way of sublimation, like or following the example of intellectual activity? This creation of sound and scenery, a new form of expression, exchange or communion gives anyone who’s willing to listen an additional chance to encounter the contemporary adolescent psyche. Using sociological perspectives sparingly, we will instead investigate more deeply the bodily roots and emphasize the elaborative potential of rap. The fact remains that its paths, meanderings, waverings, forking paths and orbits diverge and move away, irreducibly no doubt, from those of earlier generations.
Our world is nevertheless a shared one; more and more interconnected, overlapping, interpenetrating. A formidable era, wherein the teen is more and more in the adult, more than anywhere else.
Jean-Baptiste Lecuit : mysticism, between regression and sublimatory passion
This article shows how the Freudian reduction of mysticism to a regression to primary narcissism can be placed in perspective and extended through a consideration of the sublimatory dynamic animating certain great mystical figures, and the amorous interpersonal dimension of their life of faith. It shows Freud’s understanding of mysticism, in its difference from religion, and considers contributions by other authors such as C. Parat, S. de Mijolla-Mellor, and A. Vergote.
Adolescence, 2008, T. 26, n°1, pp. 143-157.
Philippe Gutton, Marie-Christine Aubray : entre nous
Le concept de lien est défini à partir des processus tertiaires travaillés par Green. Le “ nous ” approche intersubjectale, élargit cette définition. L’usage des termes de psychopathologie et psychothérapie du lien est plus clair. Un raisonnement clinique est en suite, proposé par Marie-christine Aubray.