Significant and longterm contact with incarcerated female patients who have been “radicalized” leads to a hypothesis that espousing jihadist ideology may be the only way for these young women to bandage the wounds of an accident-filled family history. Once enthralled by this idealist dogma, they seem dispossessed of their thought activity and of the very essence of their subjectivity, to the point where they fuse with the sacred ideal and the radical doctrine.
Working with borderline functioning adolescents in a psychiatric institution to create masks using facial imprints helps restart a process of subjectivation. This mediating activity welcomes identifying projections onto concrete supports, the therapists and the setting. Crafts, imaginary creation and scenic play exercise the corporal and group dimensions, and help the formation and reinforcement of envelopes, echoing the primary processes.
It is often in adolescence that great athletes are discovered. Once they commit to their sport, their bodies are subject to intense training pushing them beyond the limits of what is normal. Sometimes these youths go too far. Unable to express and to be understood in words, their subjectivity comes to be expressed through their bodies, through a sometimes traumatizing wound.
For society and its representatives, « youths from lower class neighborhoods » overwhelmingly stand for social risk. They are perceived as a single entity in the register of social deficit or danger. In this article, we show how this attitude on the part of institutions and their representatives has the effect of placing adult worries at a distance, but does the same thing to subjective relations with youngsters. In order to recover trust and create new subjection processes for young people, we offer, with reference to work carried out in municipalities, to open up new perspectives for encounter and action, based on their desire for recognition and for a shared future.
Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n° 3, pp. 603-608.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7