Archives par mot-clé : Solitude

Evelyne Gosse-Oudard : Leaving Adolescence, Ending Analysis

If the model of the infantile organization of the psychical economy is the paradigm for analytical treatment, might not the model of the end-of-adolescence process be the paradigm for the “ ending ” of the analysis ? The notion of drive for control, a constituent of the psychical apparatus, once it is differentiated from the relation of control, especially its mortifying, negative aspects, will be the basis for an exploration of the processes involved in the establishment of the subject’s narcissistic foundations and, by permitting him to free himself from an alienating relationship with the primordial object, a pre-condition for his subjectivation.

Michel Delage : Solitude and the Failure to Attain Autonomy : The Place of a Family-Based Approach to Therapy

On the way to becoming autonomous, the adolescent sometimes meets with solitude. Some pathological conduct, such as running away or “ false-starts ”, seem to bear witness to this, being both an expression of the malaise the adolescent feels, and an appeal to the other. As a relations theory, the theory of attachment offers a model for understanding these situations where coherence must be centred on the interpersonal and on the possibility of family therapy interventions. In this direction the two concepts of “ resonance ” and of “ floating object ” hold much interest.

Yvon Brès : Solitude: Sulking

The pangs of solitude, traditionally linked with isolation, but which may also be of a depressive kind, are liable to be associated with the childhood and adult attitude of sulking, which consists in pretending a certain kind of of pain in order to blackmail one’s neighbor. Sulking has noxious physiological effects, but also a few secondary benefits (especially apparent in Rousseau’ Rêveries du promeneur solitaire). Finally, it may trigger repressions, resulting in the disappearance of its meaning and turning “ intentional ” behavior into a set of negatively experienced symptoms. The restitution of the original meaning of such behavior may argue in favor of a psychoanalysis emphasizing the dimension of the “ subject ”.

Philippe Gutton : Solitude and Desolation

In this theoretical paper, solitude is defined as an affect which expresses the gap, or the boundary, between external objects and internal objects that is wide enough to enable a subject’s creative activity. This gap is just what is critical in adolescence. Desolation is the internal void of the psyche that finds no pointers for its creativity in its environment. Desolation seems to be the basis of depressive, hallucinatory, and paranoiac psychotic processes.

Philippe Gutton : insularity

Isolating is an institutional affair, to isolate oneself is to play with the inner/outer shell of the « Ego-skin ». Every decision concerning the adolescent and every treatment is situated within this complexity: does the outside, the perceptual, bring into the isolation enough traces for him to be able to think about it, for him to have a capacity for reverie – that is, for him to be able to carry out his adolescence?

François Pommier : idealization, pre-adolescence and transference

As he retraces the treatment of one of his female patients, the author seeks to show the vicissitudes of the transference relation up until the moment when the analytic unbinding permits the patient to leave analysis. The tipping point occurs when the analyst attempts to revisit within the counter-transference the consensual relations of the latency period. The patient, whose functioning has been hampered since puberty, then consents to question the parental images of her pre-adolescence and finds a new dynamic, leading her to discover the structural elements of her personality. The author emphasizes the way in which the analyst is led to displace himself within the treatment, finally adopting the position of a witness, which enables him to remove himself from the process of idealization in which his patient tends to enclose herself and to get her out of the precarious situation in which the psychoanalytical situation had closed her. The author explains to what extent, in the counter-transference, his own anxieties and the expression of his sometimes dizzying position enables his patient to journey through her pre-adolescence.

Evelyne Gosse-Oudard : sortir de l’adolescence, terminer son analyse

Si le modèle de l’organisation infantile de l’économie psychique constitue le paradigme de la cure analytique, le modèle du processus de fin d’adolescence pourrait-il être celui de la “ terminaison ” de l’analyse ? La notion de pulsion d’emprise, constituant de l’appareil psychique, différenciée de celle de relation d’emprise, notamment dans ses aspects mortifères et négatifs, servira de base pour explorer les processus en jeu pour asseoir les assises narcissiques du sujet et lui permettre de se dégager d’une relation aliénante à l’objet primordial, condition de sa subjectivation.

François Pommier : idéalisation, pré-adolescence et transfert

En retraçant le déroulement de la cure d’une de ses patientes, l’auteur cherche à montrer les viscissitudes de la relation transférentielle jusqu’au moment de la déliaison analytique permettant la sortie de l’analyse. Le point de bascule apparaît dès lors que l’analyste s’attache à revisiter contre-transférentiellement les relation consensuelles de la période de latence. La patiente, entravée dans son fonctionnement depuis la puberté, consent alors à problématiser les images  parentales de sa pré-adolescence et trouve une nouvelle dynamique, qui la conduit à découvrir les éléments structurels de sa personnalité. L’auteur insiste sur la manière dont l’analyste est amené à se déplacer dans la cure pour finalement adopter une position de témoin lui permettant de s’extraire du processus d’idéalisation dans lequel tendait à l’enfermer sa patiente et de faire sortir cette dernière de la situation de précarité dans laquelle l’enfermait le travail analytique. L’auteur explique dans quelle mesure, sur le plan contre-transférentiel, ses propres angoisses et l’expression de sa position parfois vertigineuse permet à sa patiente de faire la traversée de sa pré-adolescence.

Philippe Gutton : l’insularité


Isoler est une affaire d’institution, s’isoler est un jeu sur la carapace interne/externe du « Moi-peau ». Toute décision concernant l’adolescent et toute prise en charge se situent dans cette complexité : l’extérieur, le perceptif apporte-t-il dans l’isolement assez de traces pour le penser, pour la capacité de rêverie c’est-à-dire pour continuer à faire son adolescence ?