The increase of sexual aggressions committed by adolescents, and more specifically when they are gathered together, demands a clinical, psychopathological, metapsychological and anthropological research hereby introduced. The present feeling of uneasiness within the social link, the change in values and, above all, the “ new ” sexuality as promoted in our societies entail new perverse behaviours, with ordinary adolescents according to a psychopathology that only evidences a difficulty in associating the Œdipian forbiddings and the demands of the collective superego.
Archives par mot-clé : Social link
The increase of sexual aggressions committed by adolescents, and more specifically when they are gathered together, demands a clinical, psychopathological, metapsychological and anthropological research hereby introduced. The present feeling of uneasiness within the social link, the change in values and, above all, the » new » sexuality as promoted in our societies entail new perverse behaviours, with ordinary adolescents according to a psychopathology that only evidences a difficulty in associating the ådipian forbiddings and the demands of the collective superego.
Viviani Do Carmo, Miriam Debieux Rosa : subjective construction of brazilian adolescents faced with the violence of the social link
In Brazil between 2002 and 2010, more than 230 000 young people between the ages of 15 and 25 were murdered. This article attempts to analyze the vicissitudes of subjective construction of Brazilian adolescents living in poverty, social anomie and violence. Starting with the creation of a group clinical set-up, psychoanalytically oriented conversation groups conducted with adolescents at school, the author constructed the following hypothesis : given the violent disqualification of their life and the total absence of any prospect of even minimal inscription in a link indicative of phallic participation in the social field, some youngsters turn violence into their own fiction and a way of forging a social link. Using a fragment of one case, the author also tries to give an idea of the method used in conducting these conversation groups.
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°3, pp. 589-600.
Anne Winter, Loïck M. Villerbu : delinquency in adolescence: another paradigm of link ?
Regularly, the literature concerned with delinquency during adolescence convenes the failure of the paternal authority as explication of transgressions of the social link. These are the hangovers of a theoretical tradition which has shown many times the effects of oedipal triangulation, paradigmatic of emotional and social relationships. Though, a part of clinic is now showing us the importance of the dynamics of exchange subjected to an order of parity, we can not overlook. Underlain by narcissism, it takes precedence over genealogy and gives to distances and proximities an assured function ; the one which will guarantee adolescent reciprocity and integrity, in fouding otherwise his values.
Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°1, pp. 293-304.