The story of the transitioning of young Lara in Lukas Dhont’s film Girl leads to reflection on the representation of the body of trans subjects outside of artistic productions. This article offers an analysis of this issue, with reference to studies of the production of transidentity narratives.
Sidonie Csillag is the young homosexual woman patient, an account of whose treatment Freud published in 1920. The treatment of five sessions per week lasted six months. However, it remains, even in Freud’s own opinion, a treatment marked by the impossibility of any encounter with the adolescent girl. We will re-investigate this non-encounter in the light of queer theory and Gender Studies. We will see how issues of gender and queerness can interest psychoanalysis, particularly in relation to the treatment of adolescents.
Gender incongruity in the adolescent is currently drowned out by all the questions that have arisen about gender dysphoria in general. Psychoanalytical studies on this topic are rare. Therefore, after a brief presentation of current work on gender incongruity in the adolescent, the author will investigate the psychodynamic aspects of this phenomenon using excerpts from consultations and psychoanalytic reflections on gender and adolescence.
This study focuses on the frequency of comorbid psychiatric issues in trans adolescents with an associated diagnosis of gender dysphoria who are treated in the transidentity service of the CHRU of Lille. The study includes 43 patients, 72.1 % of whom have at least one associated psychiatric diagnosis, anxiety disorders being the most prevalent. This study provides confirmation of the great psychic, indeed psychiatric, vulnerability of this population.
Hypochondriac somatization means that the adolescent psychological readjustment is stopped. Some clinical cases reveal how the actual neurosis stops genital sexuality and re-launches an archaic bisexual fusion fantasy, which is the expression of the quality of the maternal relationship. This fusion fantasy is reassuring but also persecuting, because it hinders the choice of sexual identity in adolescence.
The play of exchange between male and female enacted by the mangas seems to satisfy the fantasy and the anxiety of sexual indistinctness in the adolescent, who is invited by this reading to « undergo a complete mutation while remaining the same »… The thematic of the mangas highlights the major impact of this fantasy of permutation of the sexes through transvestitism, while they seem to us to mask resistances to the sexual choice. The permeability between male and female figures, insisting on enacting an exhibitionism of the feminine, aims more to make the female sex « shine », to the detriment of a modification of the object relation. The adjustment of sexual ambiguity to reality, by reactivating the projective system, seems to settle for a cultural image that is both playful and complex, figuring something of the actuality of the work on sexual differentiation.
The construction of identity is mobile and present ; it has the important quality of being sexual. First of all, the phallic infantile, then, at puberty major readjustments take place because of the experience of the pubertaire. The author describes this “ metamorphosis ” in a number of works which are recalled and brought together here. He now emphasizes on the organization that constitutes the other: what other ? The unconscious of the other in romantic seduction.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7