»Du Poil sous les roses (Fur under the roses) depicts over the course of a film the emergence of the pubertaire in a boy and a girl, from the initial vacillation of identity and desire, through the lability of psychical defences that they can then establish, until the resolution of their feeling of strangeness. Their path leads them toward each other at the end of the journey of sexual difference, that is of the affiliation with a sex, but also of the recognition of the desire of the Other, outside of the family environment. In this transition, the language of childhood is infiltrated by that of the adult; confusion gives way to an imperious work of translation. The gaze must arm itself with screens (camera, microscope) to filter desire in the world, the other and oneself.»
Archives par mot-clé : Sexual difference
Marieke Wolf : preadolescence, sexual difference and latency in comic strips and cartoons
What is it in the comic strip « Titeuf » and the cartoon « South Park » that makes adults laugh so much ?
Children in the latency period and preadolescents are the heros of this cartoon and recall to the adult, through their « suggestive remarks », the evolution of infantile sexuality and the question of sexual difference.
Daniel Marcelli : boys/girls. The difference between the sexes, a question of physiology or culture ?
The difference between the sexes is a politically dangerous question ! The author explores, with this difference in view, what he calls the evident epidemiological that it would be useless to deny, the particularly delicate interpretation of this information which implies the analysis of the request for care according to sex : man or woman, girl or boy, do not have the same attitudes when they formulate a request for help. Finally, in boy/girl differences, one cannot ignore ideological issues. In all societies the “ masculine ” and the “ feminine ” are cultural and social marker that no individual can escape. Speaking of this difference always leads the author to sail into the rock of the biological within the “ real ” whose uninterpretable can lead to all interpretive fantasies and, on the other hand, the weight of culture, wherein all possible ideologies are easily lumped together ! Dangerous waters then, when one is dealing both with the issue of adolescence and that of sexuality, which touches the very heart of individual privacy. These lines of tension find an excellent illustration in the different types of treatment offered to adolescents. Do these take into account the issue of sexual difference ? This is not at all certain ! This article tries to show that although woman or girl, man or boy, can arrive at the same result, most often they get there by different routes. But these differences are rarely taken into account when a certain treatment is recommended or during the course of the treatment. These remarks give an account of the difficulties encountered by all treatment structures dealing with the care of young adolescents, those who are called middle school pupils.
Courty Brice : du poil sous les roses
Du poil sous les roses dilate sur la longueur d’un film le moment de l’émergence pubertaire chez un garçon et chez une fille, du vacillement identitaire et désirant initial, en passant par la labilité des défenses psychiques qu’ils peuvent ensuite mettre en place jusqu’à la résolution de l’inquiétante étrangeté. Leur trajectoire les mènera l’un vers l’autre au terme du périple de la sexuation, c’est-à-dire de l’affiliation à un sexe, mais aussi de la reconnaissance du désir de l’Autre, hors de l’environnement familial. Dans cette transition, la langue de l’enfance est infiltrée par celle de l’adulte, la confusion cède la place à un impérieux travail de traduction. Le regard doit s’armer d’écrans (caméra, microscope) pour filtrer le désir dans le monde, l’autre et soi.
Virginia De Micco : female genital mutilation, between fantasy and social practice
After providing a socio-anthropological framework for what is called female genital mutilation, a clinical sequence will enable us to examine the deepest unconscious underpinnings of these. Such social practices can shed light on the unconscious foundations of certain clinical manifestations, especially concerning adolescents and their odd « rites of passage ».
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°3, pp. 723-741.