Few studies in the field of autism up till now have attempted to describe how the adolescent process acts on its subjects. In this article, we offer a reading of some fundamental concepts about adolescence from the work of Freud and Philippe Gutton in light of knowledge about autism based on the works of G. Haag, R. Roussillon, D. Meltzer, M. Rhode et D. Anzieu that help understand archaic functioning.
El artículo, se propone de interrogar durante la adolescencia, la importancia de la función auto-informativa y las articulaciones que se operan con el trabajo del sueño donde las exigencias de figuración es un elemento constitutivo. La reflexión se basa sobre la narración de un proceso de cura de un adolescente sumergido en comportamientos compulsivos de ataque del cuerpo.
During the therapeutic treatment of a young adolescent patient, the insistent presence of sensations of heat and cold serves in the struggle against depersonalization anxieties, but also points to the presence of pubertary, infantile and archaic feelings that cannot be subjectivized. The establishment of specific affinities between the achaic and pubertary registers fosters, in a very regressive way, the dominance of the most primitive ways of representing, to the detriment of more elaborated forms, which the psychotherapy was able gradually to differentiate.
Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 705-717.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7