Archives par mot-clé : Pubertaire

Philippe Givre : corps évanescent : arrimage auto-sensuel et sensoriel

Lors du suivi thérapeutique d’une jeune patiente anorexique, la présence entêtante de sensations de chaud et de froid est là pour lutter contre des angoisses de dépersonnalisation, mais aussi pour traduire la présence d’éprouvés pubertaires, infantiles et archaïques dans l’impossibilité d’être subjectivés. L’établissement d’affinités particulières entre les registres archaïque et pubertaire favorise de façon très régressive la domination des modes de représentance les plus primitifs au détriment de formes plus élaborées, ce que la psychothérapie a peu à peu différencié.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 705-717.


»Du Poil sous les roses (Fur under the roses) depicts over the course of a film the emergence of the pubertaire in a boy and a girl, from the initial vacillation of identity and desire, through the lability of psychical defences that they can then establish, until the resolution of their feeling of strangeness. Their path leads them toward each other at the end of the journey of sexual difference, that is of the affiliation with a sex, but also of the recognition of the desire of the Other, outside of the family environment. In this transition, the language of childhood is infiltrated by that of the adult; confusion gives way to an imperious work of translation. The gaze must arm itself with screens (camera, microscope) to filter desire in the world, the other and oneself.»

Philippe Gutton : the virtual and its conducts

The pubertaire Virtual (with a capital “ V ”) would be a formulation of the Lacanian real, at the moment of the metamorphosis of puberty. The virtual conducts of adolescents could avoid it, with certain risks, while at the same time aiming for this deep aspiration. Distractions, they reflect an alienation through the image and its techniques, but one from which a work of subjectivation may nevertheless be expected. The false may prove helpful in the quest for what is true.

Olivier Douville : attacks against the body, or return to the gesture

A clinical treatment of adolescent self-mutilation is possible as long as the adolescent is posited as being in a phenomenal crisis between two bodies. Not only between the child’s body and the adult body, but above all between the body of the partial drives and the phallicized body. The scene of the origins of the human body is psychically re-found and recreated at this moment. The author bets that a reading of the exchanges between Caillois and Bataille will give a glimpse of the adolescent tension in its subjectivation of the corporal.

Jean-Yves Chagnon : femininity between latency and adolescence

The rearrangement of identifications in the young girl as she moves from the end of childhood into adolescence is illustrated using elements from a study of preadolescents and their future development, a study carried out by means of interviews and projective methods. While the prepubescent and pubescent girls had the same average age, there are radical differences in the mutation of envelope femininity into orifice femininity depending on whether the girls have begun to menstruate or not ; this confirms the validity of hypotheses about the pubertaire proposed by Philippe Gutton. At the same time, psychical movements of separation from parental images take shape, providing a springboard towards subjectivation.

Serge Lesourd : « father, i don’t want you to burn ! »

The support of an Œdipal father appears to be a strongly present factor in the actual treatment of the adult and the adolescent. The author analyzes this relationship with the father as refusal of the pubertaire passage, which necessitates the bringing down of the father in order to make better use of him in one’s adult relations with enjoyment and pleasure. The present social bond which makes the father and his decline the center of the « transformation » of the world thus constructs an impasse for the subject in his passage towards adult life.

Philippe Gutton: the trace of the pubertaire

The experience of the pubertaire has a central place in the treatment of the adult. It is the trace out of which the dream and the psychical work of the adolescens develop. Affirming and confirming its innovative value in the revisiting of childhood sexuality inspires images in dreams in the wake of adolescent subjectivation. This point of view justifies interventions aimed at deconstructing infantile phallic theories whose rigidity is liable to stifle the pubertaire.

Brice Courty : sketch 3, on the virtual

We have discussed the issues and limits the adolescent faces in managing his body through the use of an avatar in on-line games and communities. If the avatar may first appear very limited to us in the figuration of the real body, these limits finally seem to help the adolescent filter the pubertaire’s access to these virtual worlds, to make it into a place of narcissistic restoration, at the cost of drive activity that must other outlets in this universe.

Adolescence, 2008, T. 26, n°1, pp. 249-254.

Odile Falque : the mysticism of everyday life with etty hillesum

Mysticism : one can’t talk about it, and one can’t not talk about it. It consists of remaining in the illusion and the tension of paradoxes, particularly life-death, through a revisiting of the adolescent processes that Etty Hillseum situates at the onset of puberty. She returns to the originary, and it is a matter of getting out of this. This is what is at stake in her encounter with her psychologist, Julius Spier, an encounter that was, first of all, eroticized, in transgression, afterwards idealized and sublimated, in the discovery all at once the capacity to be alone, to think, to dream, to pray, for both seekers after God.
The mystical experience would be rooted in enjoyment, in transgression and in death.
“ The mysticism of everyday life ” may be spoken of in the psychical economy of the subject in movements of libidinal hyperinvestment, of disinvestment and of re-investment in the reality of daily life, which brings renewed energy, for the deepening and widening of psychical and spiritual space, caring for others, the mission that must be accomplished and the witness that must be given.
Such was the path of Etty Hillesum, a mystic who remain “ on the march ” towards death, survival, as recounted in her diaries An Interrupted Life, between 1941 and 1943, from Amsterdam to Auschwitz.

Adolescence, 2008, T. 26, n°1, pp. 23-39.

Jacques Vargioni : father, can’t you see I’m bleeding ?

The analysis of the transference and counter-transference of an obese woman’s therapy leads to an understanding of the role of a traumatic pubertaire event in the constitution of a bulimic symptom during the adolescence. Dead ends imposed by this experience, a deferred action effect of the infantile, block the pacifying possibility of repression and lead to a reversal/turning round of the drive. This drive fate organizes a melancholic form of the primal scene in which the subject is guilty. It is then the body, as support of the ego and of the incorporated object that is to be attacked and protected. Force-feeding, as a centripetal movement from outside towards inside, appears as a way of opposing a fantasy of emptying and potential seduction represented by menstrual bleeding.

Adolescence, 2008, T. 26, n°4, pp. 977-989.