Exploring some primary qualities of a secure bond, we note what, conversely, can hamper one’s ability to get through the adolescent process; we will connect this argument to the clinical situation of Joshua, an adolescent who suffers from psychopathy. This adolescent’s repeated passages to the act lead to a hypothesis of delusion contained by violent acts replaying a traumatic primal scene.
The notion of violence in psychopathology has mainly to do with the amount of excitation that is unleashed. When thinking about violence in adolescence we must consider what has upset the adolescent’s economy to the point of overwhelming psychical resources. At this time of life, there is a conjunction between the sources of internal excitations and of excessive external stimulation, while investments of relations with the parents no longer have the same role in the psychical economy, hence the “trauma of adolescence”.
This article presents the Photolangage®method in the treatment of adolescent acting-out behaviors. It will show how this framework fosters processes of binding and symbolization in a group setting, as well as the effects of a double containment of drive movements, enabling the figuration of traumatic traces from non-symbolized experiences.
Adolescence, 2019, 37, 1, 97-110.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7