In light of what is called the clinical treatment of borderline states, the author investigates some notions inscribed within the relations between body and psyche, such as perception, the sensory, sensuality, representation, emotion, affect and auto-eroticism.
Particular importance is given to the place occupied by infantile sensuality in connection with the establishment of auto-eroticism, insofar as sensuality is most often confused with the sensory. These notions still represent a large part of the difficulties psychoanalytical research encounters today. They maintain a narrow relation with the drives’ sphere of influence, but the opposition that has often been asserted to exist between the sensorial-perceptive and the intellectual can no longer be defended.
Archives par mot-clé : Psyché
Marion Haza, Pascal-Henri Keller : thoughts on scarification among suicide adolescents
Scarification raises questions regarding physical and psychological limits, limits between the internal space and the external space of adolescents. They also question the narcissism and the representation of the body. Thanks to interviews with suicidal adolescents, we broached the performance in the real of psychical conflict. Through scarification, adolescents symbolize dividing lines in space, time and in their relationship with others. The thought following the action therefore helps to start a psychical work and restart the thinking system.
Elsa Schmid-Kitsikis : corps et psyché : théorisation
À la lumière de la clinique dite des états limites, l’auteur interroge un certain nombre de notions qui s’inscrivent dans la relation du corps et de la psyché, telles que perception, sensorialité, sensualité, représentation, émotion, affect et autoérotisme.
Une importance particulière est donnée à la place qu’occupe la sensualité infantile en lien avec l’instauration de l’autoérotisme, dans la mesure où la sensualité est le plus souvent confondue avec la sensorialité. Ces notions représentent encore aujourd’hui une grande part des difficultés que rencontre la recherche psychanalytique. Elles entretiennent un rapport étroit avec la mouvance pulsionnelle, mais l’opposition souvent affirmée entre le sensorio-perceptif et l’intellectuel ne se justifie plus de nos jours.