Archives par mot-clé : Projective identification


»Attempting to build relationships within « families with broken bonds « requires the therapist to maintain flexibility in the counter-transference despite all opposition, in order to avoid the traps of repetition. Amidst the confusion of projections, counter-transference guarantees the therapist the stability of his identity, in spite of the variations, sometimes brutal, to which he is exposed. By giving meaning to what he feels, he avoids acting out, which would exclude him, and evaluates the reality of immediate danger. Thus avoiding an emergency intervention, he allows a transformation to begin.»

Antoine Perier, Jean-Pierre Benoit, Marie-Rose Moro : psychoanalytical psychotherapies in a « maison des adolescents »

The « Maison de Solenn – Maison des Adolescents » offers a psychotherapy unit, allowing us to propose to some of them a psychoanalytical therapy. If some discuss the merits of a psychoanalytical work in adolescence, as the articulation of psychotherapeutic and analytical objectives, the arrangements led in the practice by certain specificities of adolescence, join the creative movement of evolution and diversification of the psychoanalytical practices. It is, however, up to the psychotherapists and psychoanalysts to formalize their practices in order to be able to describe them, subject them to the work of thought through the practice of supervision and internal theoretical and clinical exchanges, and to bring them into more general psychoanalytical debates to assure, by the understanding of the differences and the recognition of the common elements, the fertility of the psychoanalytical approach to adolescent suffering.