Archives par mot-clé : Philippe Gutton

Philippe Gutton : Homosexual process at puberty

After having studied the discovery of the homosexuality of Mishima in The Confession of a Masque, the author reviews the development of human sexuality in its two stages. He then distinguishes the homosexuality, at puberty, involved in the clinical process of breakdown and those he considers ordinary (or neurotic) which especially engage his writing. He questions the theory of the experienced complementarity of the sexes and studies the concept of contingency of the partial and complete object. The genital choice has less to do with the erotic than with mastery. The flexibility of pubertal transactions entwines homo and heterosexuality in such a way that the author wonders if one’s subsequent choice is determined by one’s capacity to integrate (either in a better or worse way) the sado-masochistic investments. The theory is explained by clinical examples. It takes into account the present day evolution of the ideas concerning sexual minorities

Philippe Gutton : “ kicking over the traces ”

This issue of Adolescence actually serves as an occasion for a discreet renewal of thinking about the conditions in which adolescents and psychoanalysts encounter each other. The street is the signifier now chosen to reflect on the adjustment of settings to cultural developments. In addition, the street is not only a place where an opening of the familial enclosure happens: the theme of the treatment. It is also a space-time of subjectivation “ among peers ”, governed by “ peer group law ”.

Philippe Gutton : outline of a theory of genitality

This text is comprised of three parts. The concept of the genital archaic is re-examined and established as the prime mover of the pubertaire. Subjectivation or adolescens has its origin in the earliest mechanisms for managing the original trials : cathexis, withdrawal of cathexis and counter-cathexis. The concepts of original repression and suppression are particularly studied in the avatars of the construction of the pubertaire scene. The so-called clinic of the breakdown is theorized in a new way. A study of dream functioning at puberty revisits the processes in play by way of clinical work.

Philippe Gutton : spelunker by vocation

The theme of the pubertaire includes the revelation of the third dimension of the female body : the evolution at puberty of the maternal feminine. The author examines what he would call the maternal genital metaphor. Ordinarily, the erotic play of young adolescents is a symbolization of the masks of the maternal depths. In pathology there is a disavowal of the metaphor, defended by the practices of incorporation, aspects of the fetishizing of the adolescent’s body. Surface sexuality is commonplace at the beginning of adolescence. It can be perpetuated – the example of André Gide is investigated.

Philippe Gutton : the virtual and its conducts

The pubertaire Virtual (with a capital “ V ”) would be a formulation of the Lacanian real, at the moment of the metamorphosis of puberty. The virtual conducts of adolescents could avoid it, with certain risks, while at the same time aiming for this deep aspiration. Distractions, they reflect an alienation through the image and its techniques, but one from which a work of subjectivation may nevertheless be expected. The false may prove helpful in the quest for what is true.

Philippe Gutton : suffering … to believe in oneself

Self-mutilation would be a belief device which coats a great difficulty in believing in one’s own subjectal construction. A simple device, if it aims to play out sadomasochistic scenarios according to an hysterical model. A more complex one when it fulfills a transitory fetishistic mission. These behaviors have a dramatic effect on the narcissistic collapses of puberty.

Philippe Gutton : Solitude and Desolation

In this theoretical paper, solitude is defined as an affect which expresses the gap, or the boundary, between external objects and internal objects that is wide enough to enable a subject’s creative activity. This gap is just what is critical in adolescence. Desolation is the internal void of the psyche that finds no pointers for its creativity in its environment. Desolation seems to be the basis of depressive, hallucinatory, and paranoiac psychotic processes.

Philippe Gutton : the lighthouse

The session and its continuum in everyday life must of course be considered as a third-party relation; in it, « two people looking at each other » are brought together and compromised under the same «other» gaze ; a group is formed, trust (and illusion) shared… The lighthouse, initially unknown (a stranger), inspires exchanges that are more and more familiar: talking replaces being looked at. Thanks to this third-party construction, the interactions that define the site can henceforth be interpreted or « reconstructed ».