This issue of Adolescence actually serves as an occasion for a discreet renewal of thinking about the conditions in which adolescents and psychoanalysts encounter each other. The street is the signifier now chosen to reflect on the adjustment of settings to cultural developments. In addition, the street is not only a place where an opening of the familial enclosure happens: the theme of the treatment. It is also a space-time of subjectivation “ among peers ”, governed by “ peer group law ”.
Archives par mot-clé : Peer group
Joëlle Bordet : housing projects, place of refuge, risk of fixation.
Referring to our psycho-sociological research and to several years of reflexive interviews with adolescents, I analyze the way in which the housing project, a space for daily living and belonging, constitutes both a place of refuge and a risk of fixation. In the face of stigma, the adolescent peer group welcomes and protects; it also represents a place of confinement, both in the psychical sense and the sense of material survival. Getting out of the projects requires important steps made up of failures and successes. All leave this adolescent situation, the paths are many, and the recourse to Islam is more and more one of the ways.