Through a large number of psychiatric emergencies (540 under age 18 in 2001), we explore the relation between the passage to the act and the emergency situation in adolescence: doesn’t modern psychiatry tend to define a psychiatry of the act ? The latter depends on internal causes at adolescence, but also on the environment. The work with these situations is then defined both by the constitution of an emergency service as an interior setting and by the development of an exterior network. The evolution of a ward for dealing with psychiatric emergencies in adolescence can thus be described.
Through this work the author tries to identify parenting’s space of conflicts within the context of migration. He emphasizes the inter-and intra-generational aspects of these conflicts, as well as the absence of traces by which parents could enter into resonance with their children’s adolescence. He seeks to disengage these conflicts from the limited framework of the intrapsychical dimension, and to inscribe them in a larger framework, an interpersonal and interpsychical one that includes the impact of the professional and social environment. He proposes parents/adolescent therapeutic consultations, which are opened on the “ Network ” as an alternative in repairing the meshes of parenting and of parental functions.
Through a brief linguistic and anthropological reading, the author isolates the structuring representations of the street. He then interrogates the vacuity of this street and formulates an hypothesis which articulates the emptiness of the street with the incapacity of the adolescent’s human environment. For him, the street’s explosions are the reflection of the adult’s incoherence and insufficiency. Through a clinical case, the author proposes framework for constructing a network in a troubled neighborhood. For the author, this methodology implicates clinical psychology and psychoanalysis in the social field.
The article analyzes the phenomenon of virtual communities (Second Life and Cryopolis) in light of psychoanalytic theory, recognizing in their functioning a preponderance of impersonal and group motifs: paternal, maternal or fraternal complexes or imagines that organize representations and determine behaviors.
Using interviews with members and administrators of these sites, we will show that, within these virtual communities, the place given to authority, to justice, to the conception of reality or to genealogy suggests the crumbling of the paternal complex (or paternal metaphor in Lacanian theory) in favor of the fraternal complex. Finally, we will offer the « digital hydra » as a metaphor for these « communities of connected brethren ». Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°3, pp. 667-677.
Escale Ado was created in 2010 by combining two units of the Clinique Dupré : the Relais and the CATTP, a reception center and a treatment center. The pluri-disciplinary approach that is offered, the inscription into a network of structures of both kinds, makes Escale Ado similar to the « Maisons des Adolescents » treatment centers. Using two clinical vignettes, we highlight the usefulness of placing an evaluation setting within a care-providing structure, the therapeutic perspectives that can be derived from this, such as the opening up of the two places to each other, and ways passing between them can enable us to offer customized treatment to adolescents and young adults.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7