The authors explore the specific characteristics of the double in its connection with the figure of the hero, in certain myths and in the family romance of neurotics. The exploration focuses on two things: the “heroic double” as a way of regulating incestual desires of brothers and sisters; and the construction of a “sibling romance” by the adolescent subject, which articulates love and hate towards eroticized figures of the younger sister and the brother.
The rite is an object at the crossroads of the fields of anthropology and psychoanalysis. We will be careful to emphasize what differentiates it from habit or repetition. The rite is a passage and an experience. If it is a rite of passage, then it allows for changes of otherness, and also helps bind the subject to the sexual law and the collective mythology. Adolescence in Western societies, which tends to spread throughout the world, is developing new trends and ways ritualizing as the symbolic frameworks between rite and myth tend to become disjointed. The author raises the question of the psychical functions of rituality in adolescence.
One important cultural phenomenon concerning virtuality and adolescence may be the latter’s addiction to brand names.
Like the image, the brand, a modern equivalent of mythology, could be both an object and a relation. This would transform the perspective from which it is analyzed, particularly with regard to the bonds that adolescents maintain with brand names.
The aim of this article is to try to draw a connection between the relative banality of the control fantasy illustrated by the myth of Pygmalion and the madness of the pedophilic predator captivated by the minimal lines he sketches at the passage of certain pre-adolescent girls. He will give himself a right, sometimes unlimited, to this object who incarnates his fantasy ; but the girl he picks has no other reality for him beyond the appearance he gives to her. She becomes a living fetish that he will model as he wishes and whose principle function is to enable him to go on ignoring his hatred of women and his insurmountable rivalry with the mother who, unlike himself, can bring children into the world.
This text brings together several different perspectives : the aesthetic issue of the bond between creator and his work, the psycho-sociological and historical issue of the generational norm in the romantic relationship, and above all the psychopathological, ethical and legal issue of the pedophilic seducer. Adolescence, 2008, T. 26, n°4, pp. 817-840.
This article attempts to examiner « neo-liberal » measures which have put a strain on the Juvenile Justice system, and in particular the negation of the process of evolution of adolescents and the work of supporting them. Adolescence, 2013, 30, 4, 815-822.
Michael Jackson is a figure of eternal adolescence, replaying a painful and inaccessible process of individuation. His metamorphoses echo the psychical and physical transformations of pubescent youngsters. His myth, shot through with genealogical ruptures, evokes a character in the throes of a powerful desire for self-engenderment. His polymorphism maximizes the possibilities for adolescent identification and his media-genic quality helps him to be appropriated as a social demand. His ability to incarnate omnipotence makes him a likely support for projection, as he echoes the narcissistic desires of young people.
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°4, pp. 979-993.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7