This paper presents a theory of filiation as a dynamic shape, and argues that today’s society suffers from a difficulty living within temporality. Today’s relation with time is depicted through the prism of transhumanist theories, illustrating the idea of a present which is not deployed and a future that lacks momentum, while memory itself is “perfect.” A clinical vignette is used to show the subjective impasse of “total” recall.
Autobiographical narration goes beyond mere inner recounting. In adolescents presenting severe psychic disorders, there is a more or less delusive construction aimed at organizing a prosthetic or grandiose structure for narcissism. The reconstruction of life’s moments can be an attempt to repair feelings of fragmentation. The autobiography recreated in analysis may then represent a reinvention of oneself.
This paper presents an intent of synthesis of the symposium and outlines its main results : interpretation of clinical data and critical discussion of post-traumatic disorders ; child soldiers’ psychology; added problem of exile ; reflexions on societal and social memories ; usual trend to the grief dimension; dynamics between individual and community, psychis and society. Il will be proponed to reverse the usual perspective, which implies a simultaneous partial redefinition of psychotherapist’s role, engaged citizen and social actor on the first lines of History.
Through a clinical confrontation, the author shows how the listening is rough with the insistence of the purely descriptive account; and exactly when the dead end of the transference – counter transference is made of a sense of remorse. His analysis unfolds also a heuristics inspired by the language of their meeting and their primary language: Arabic. The latter by virtue of its specific structuration allows some words to assume the shape of metapsychological concepts, and at the same time to be a linguistic rest which open onto a lecture of trauma with an exit registred towards the working out of the letter.
The auteurs relies on a corpus made up of words singling out and characterizing ‘ youngsters ’, who are the main actors of two recent events (Fall 2005 suburban crisis and Winter 2006 university crisis), to show how naming takes part in representing events.
With the help of two fac-to-face pages from national newspapers, the various « ways for naming » ‘ youngsters ’ is first listed : from collected corpuses naming paradigms are then extrated, which function as many categorizations of young actors implied into both these events.
Processing a third event for chechink purposes leads to wondering about the discurcive representations brought representing events and young actors and matching these events
Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°4, pp. 907-919.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7