Families of patients hospitalized in treatment-school facilities and the cargegivers share common fantasies of separation-adoption, reparation-destruction and seduction-rejection. In this “adolescent constellation”, parents and staff members regularly find themselves in positions of identification, projection, isomorphism, systematic reflection, echo. These phenomena make things difficult for the caregivers, but their understanding and their elaboration are an opportunity for the patients, their families, and the institution.
Developing the theme of culture among friends accentuates the shared ideals that are constructed at this time. In a first chapter, this “ adolescens or intersubjectal culture ” is differentiated from the intergenerational “ psychology of fathers and mothers ”. It helps to construct adolescent communities whose references are a-familial.
Groups of couples should be distinguished from communities of friends. The first have a class dialectic with institutions. The second have intercommunity relations which are inter and intra-generational. These theoretical points of view will conclude with the analysis of the adolescent friendship of Paul Cézanne and Émile Zola and its outcome.
Développer le thème de la culture entre amis est mettre l’accent sur les idéaux communs se construisant en cette occasion. Dans un premier chapitre “ cette culture adolescens ou intersubjectale ” est différenciée de “ la psychologie des pères et des mères ” intergénérationnelle. Elle contribue à construire les communautés adolescentes de référentiel a-familial.
Il convient de distinguer groupes de pairs et communautés d’amis. Les premiers sont en dialectique de classe avec les institutions. Les secondes ont des relations intercommunautaires inter et intragénérationnelles. Ces points de vue théoriques se terminent sur l’analyse de l’amitié adolescente de Paul Cézanne et Émile Zola et son devenir.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7