Using clinical encounters with contemporary artists (in this case, Boris), we explore the place of the body in creation, through the notion of rhythm. Rhythm is not limited to rhythmicity or tempo, nor measure alone; rather, it bears witness to the incarnation of internal movement. It is in its incarnation that rhythm exists, in time with the body of the drives that it expresses. The created work will be its echo.
À partir de rencontres cliniques avec des artistes contemporains (ici Boris), nous explorons la place du corps dans la création, à travers la notion de rythme. Le rythme ne se résoudrait ni à la rythmicité, ni au tempo, ni à la métrique seuls, mais serait un témoignage de l’incarnation du mouvement interne. C’est dans son incarnation que ce rythme existe, arrimé au corps pulsionnel dont il est l’expression. L’œuvre créée vient s’en faire l’écho.
The phenomenon of the video game calls for a study of its risks. We have chosen to approach it from the perspective of addiction, since some subjects play video games to excess. We will try to see how the choice of the addiction object, the “ video game ”, reveals a history of narcissistic wounds involving real images but also self images. The video game shows us the anti-depressive struggle set up by the player through an avatar, a narcissistic double who possesses the anal talents sadly lacking in himself.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7