The disorganizing and traumatic impact of expatriation on foreign and immigrant students is studied starting from two case studies. The problematics at work with quite a few foreign students deals with the repetition of the puberty scene and related scenarii. With immigrant students, the difficulty linked to the “adolescens elaboration” is expressed through a conflict between loyalty owed to the native system and that owed to the new culture. The task of the psychotherapist consists in granting an anaclisis and protective shield wherefrom the new identity can elaborate itself.
Archives par mot-clé : Immigration
After a short presentation concerning some rites in the Islam and arabic muslim’culture, we have tried to interpret the religious rites using by immigrant’adolescents. Immigrant’situation changes often the base’fonctions of rites and adapts them to the immigrant’context needs.
The disorganizing and traumatic impact of expatriation on foreign and immigrant students is studied starting from two case studies. The problematics at work with quite a few foreign students deals with the repetition of the puberty scene and related scenarii. With immigrant students, the difficulty linked to the ´adolescens elaborationª is expressed through a conflict between loyalty owed to the native system and that owed to the new culture. The task of the psychotherapist consists in granting an anaclisis and protective shield wherefrom the new identity can elaborate itself.
Joëlle Bordet : not being recognized, not recognizing oneself, as a french citizen
In this article, we try to analyse the difficulties youths have in recognizing themselves and being recognized as French. The complexity of their relations with citizen status engenders both deep insecurities and the dynamics of victimhood. Current laws on immigration reinforce these feelings and confirm for adolescents the risk of being banished from society. It is important to analyze these dynamics socially but also psychically, and to identify how we may situate ourselves as educators or psychologists.
Adolescence, 2008, T. 26, n°3, pp. 741-748.
Nicole Calevoi, Romano Scandariato: processus adolescent chez les étudiants étrangers et immigrés
L’impact désorganisateur, traumatique qu’a l’expatriation chez les étudiants étrangers et immigrés est envisagé à partir de deux études de cas. La problématique présentée par beaucoup d’étudiants étrangers concerne la répétition de la scène pubertaire et des scénarios qui lui sont afférents. Chez les étudiants immigrés la difficulté liée à l’élaboration adolescente s’exprime par un conflit entre la loyauté due au système d’origine et la nouvelle culture. Le rôle du psychothérapeute consiste à offrir un étayage et un pare-excitations à la nouvelle identité puisse s’élaborer.
Adolescence, 1998, T. 16 n°1, pp. 292-304.
Joëlle Bordet : ne pas être reconnu, ne pas se reconnaître comme citoyen français
Dans cet article, nous cherchons à analyser les difficultés des jeunes à se reconnaître et à être reconnus comme Français. La complexité de leurs relations au statut national engendre à la fois des insécurités profondes et des dynamiques victimaires. Les lois actuelles sur l’immigration renforcent ces sentiments et confirment chez ces adolescents le risque d’une mise au ban de la société. Il est important d’analyser ces dynamiques sur le plan social mais aussi sur le plan psychique, et d’identifier comment en tant qu’éducateur ou psychologue nous pouvons nous situer.
Adolescence, 2008, T. 26, n°3, pp. 741-748.
Abdessalem Yahyaoui : rites en islam à l’adolescence
Après avoir fait état de différents rites de passage dans l’islam et la culture arabo-musulmane, nous tentons une interprétation de l’usage des rites religieux par les adolescents issus de l’immigration. La situation migratoire détourne souvent les rites de leurs fonctions de base pour les adapter aux besoins du contexte migratoire.
Adolescence, 2010, T. 28, n°3, pp. 617-623.
Antoine Kattar : adolescents living in lebanon : a process of identity construction in the grip of a double threat*
This article aims to show forces impacting on the development of teenagers living in Lebanon during their formative years, by seeking to understand the relationship of the socio-historical context of the country on the psychological difficulties related to adolescence. The analysis of a clinical interview conducted with a teenager living in Beirut is compared with the author’s own personal experience, and led the author to demonstrate a confrontation between « the experience level of personal crisis » and that related to « political crisis ». The hypothesis is a repetition of the threat inherent in the psychic process of teen development by added weight of external threat of political situations.
revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 849-861.