From a reading of Freud, this article focuses on the notions of idealization, ideal formation and Ego Ideal. The post-Freudian distinction between Ego Ideal and ideal ego is made explicit. The article concludes by distinguishing between idealization and sublimation.
RPG and MMORPG-type video games offer adolescents the opportunity to redynamize their belief processes, which have been blocked by archaic conflicts reactivated in puberty. They seem to help soothe the depressive affect proper to the pubertary through an manic investment of the virtual universe ; this enables the adolescent to invent a grandiose self, and to work at reconstructing a self that is grieving for childhood.
The adolescent approach to the religious takes on an unusual aspect in our world-weary time when religiosity plays out everywhere, far from dogmas and churches. Adolescent ways of broaching the ideal are also varied. They go along with a strange solitude, with regard to current heterogeneity of the religious object, but can also swing towards more rigid, even fundamentalist, positions. They are most often complex, split, doomed to an autarchic creativity. This article provides illustrations of the paradox of adolescence in the contemporary universe, where rigidity and fluidity by turns attempt to deal with a religious object that has become diffuse and elusive.
This text brings together earlier work using various approaches, in order better to define pubertary sublimation. It is a set of processes involving the pubertary experience towards subjectalization and adolescent objectalization. It is expressed at the level of the archaic through the interpretation that the extended infantile brings to pubertary traces. Secondarily, it presides over the construction of the ideals of adolescence. If subjectalization is in fact an inter-subjectalization, one can speak of a co-sublimation which has its origins in the state of pubertary illusion and disillusionment. The parental subject of the transference is its mouthpiece. The prevailing process of adolescent creation, sublimation would here be organized by the control compulsion of the Ego and its ideals as they have been rearranged between childhood and adolescence.
This article aims to show forces impacting on the development of teenagers living in Lebanon during their formative years, by seeking to understand the relationship of the socio-historical context of the country on the psychological difficulties related to adolescence. The analysis of a clinical interview conducted with a teenager living in Beirut is compared with the author’s own personal experience, and led the author to demonstrate a confrontation between « the experience level of personal crisis » and that related to « political crisis ». The hypothesis is a repetition of the threat inherent in the psychic process of teen development by added weight of external threat of political situations.
revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 849-861.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7