We explore the issue of dropping out of school at the onset of adolescence with regard to the pubertary process that is starting, at the crossroads where a depressive core meets an “original” rereading of founding fantasies. The co-construction of subject and environment seems central here, as it summons up the dimension of the link, even if only to undermine it. A clinical vignette will illustrate our argument and allow us to explore the hypothesis that what causes the hitch at the start of adolescence is related to homoeroticism that has been called up again and will have to be overhauled.
Using an example of gender disorder in adolescence, the article attempts to study the unsteadiness of identity caused by confused and conflicted desires when the boundaries between love and friendship are fluctuating.
While homosexuality among siblings remains one of the last taboo subjects of clinical literature, the work of Almodovar would be a good illustration of it. Between homoeroticism, autoeroticism, incestuous attraction and the fraternal double, the filmmaker artistically tries to solve his own problems, while helping his male characters to conquer the phallic penis that women can so readily adapt themselves to in his universe. An analysis of “ Talk with her ” makes it possible to learn something of Almoldovar’s fantasises of. By lifting its modest veil we can perhaps better understand his view of a subject which is normally kept under silence.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7