Using the psychotherapy of a fifteen-year-old boy, the author offers a theoretical and clinical reflection on the hallucinatory function and its outcomes. When the Ego no longer experiences the hallucinatory image as false, this image acquires an actualizing potential that blurs the boundaries of perception. When hallucination ceases to be a seed for creation and becomes instead a persecutory projection, what powers must the transference deal with?
À partir de la psychothérapie d’un adolescent de quinze ans, l’auteure propose une réflexion théorique et clinique sur la fonction de l’hallucinatoire et ses destins. Lorsque le Moi n’éprouve plus l’image hallucinatoire comme fausse, celle-ci se dote d’un pouvoir de réalisation brouillant les limites de la perception. Quand l’hallucinatoire n’est plus potentialité créatrice mais projection persécutrice, de quelles forces le transfert se charge-t-il ?
At the end of his life, François Mauriac evokes a delusive conviction that briefly assailed him when he was about ten years old : his father, deceased when he himself was only twenty months old, would be, in reality, always alive. While leaning on the elements of the author’s life, and particularly his intimacy with the Christian faith, we propose the hypothesis that, for this young boy, puberty was the moment of a psychical trauma, likely to provoke regressive movements, without inducing the establishment of a psychotic structure. Maybe this almost pathological moment would be an attempt to compensate for the father’s lack by means of an hallucinated creation.
First we have to specify in what way war changes the psychic life of young Subjects – most of them teenagers – then we shall have to insist on the difficulties they encounter in their social and professional reinsertion. These difficulties come out because of the reputation they have acquired for being « sorcerers ». We shall examine how this categorization, which is quickly expanding in the two Congos, crystallizes ; we shall also study the effects of this notion on these subjects’ disconnection from the usual logics of alliance and filiation.
S’il convient de préciser en quoi la guerre modifie la vie psychique de jeunes sujets, dont de nombreux adolescents, il faut ensuite insister sur les difficiles réinsertions qu’ils connaissent, tant réputation peut leur être faite d’être devenus des « sorciers ».
Nous examinerons comment cette dernière catégorisation qui est en pleine expansion dans les deux Congo se cristallise et les effets qu’elle a de « débranchements » de ces sujets des logiques coutumières d’alliance et de filiation.
Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°2, pp. 329-348.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7