This article analyzes the therapeutic “site” of theatrical mediation. The group occupies a central place within it, though differs from the therapeutic setting of group analytic psychodrama. The characteristics of the medium of theater use a specific dynamic. This becomes a catalyst for the phoric function. Aesthetic harmonizing offers opportunities for dis-identification.
Using the model of the institution-as-group, this article points out a transformative process affecting individual and group psychic envelopes. The contingencies of the gradual internalization of the setting remind us that for some adolescents the work of differentiating borders and re-establishing a skin around thoughts must come before any focus on repressed content. The group’s self-reorganizing abilities support these changes.
This article recounts the first experience of group treatment of parents of adolescents suffering from mental anorexia at the Maison des Adolescents of Calvados. The authors have chosen a faithful retranscription of productive moments from the sessions close to clinical work, emphasizing the experience of counter-transference.
Some high-risk behaviours have been understood as being symptomatic of this « breaking down » of rites during adolescence. Those behaviours are more used to get closer to death, to reintegrate ordalic sentence when teenagers can’t integrate the imperceptible, because of a lack of support by institution references during their progression. However, those paradoxical sequences, on a coded way, also flirt with self-creation mechanisms in a context of traumatic filiation. Thus, those dynamics are supported by both teenage process of their groups, and are mobilized on a negative way when traumatic violences heritage reign. We suggest discussing about these configurations with a young harkis group example.
A sense of honor is necessary for growing up. With regard to several clinical examples the author shows what is happening to the contrary during the humiliations of the war in Burundi. What mechanisms are at work? What are the uses of the group?
Video games and educational computerprograms prove to be excellent supports for the clinical observation of behavior and of the man-machine relation. Children and video games inspire us to ask new questions about the transitional space they create. The virtual world is able to reveal how the subject interacts with his environment. What results from this are new hypotheses about the quality of perceptions and the apprehension of the object in the construction of the Ego and its emotional future.
In the past twenty years, video games have become firmly entrenched in our culture. Adolescents find in them spaces in which adolescent issues can be played out and re-played. Psychotherapists have started using them within the framework of therapeutic mediations. This paper reports the construction of a therapeutic arrangement: video game group therapy. This is conceived of as a working apparatus allowing for the stimulation and reception of affects and thoughts. This type of mediation is particularly interesting in the treatment of children and adolescents whose total inhibition initially compromises the therapeutic project. The notion of « ludo-landscape» characterizes a part of the psychical work which is summoned up by the video game. The case of Julien illustrates the work that was carried out.
For over-playing teenagers, the association of a videogame workshop and a talking moment seems to be an adequate therapy. The use of the videogame as the mediation object of the therapy allows for the emergence of feelings that might be elaborated through verbalization in a second step. It allows the teenagers to become aware of their own troubles, and consequently helps them to move away from them. Interactions facilitated by the well-disposed group strengthen the identificatory process, especially with the victims of school violence. At least one of the therapists should be very familiar with the videogame’s world, in order to facilitate the narcissistic revaluation process and the identification process.
Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°3, pp. 689-698.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7