Archives par mot-clé : Figurability

Simruy Ikiz: the double limit and the work of figurability

This article will explore the role of figurative thought and the double limit within the adolescent process. After having examined the place of the capacity for daydreaming and of play in the elaboration of representations linked to the newness of the pubescent body, the author suggests a group therapeutic framework with figurative and projective mediation, using the game Dixit®. This format is aimed at helping adolescents who have trouble dreaming and using their thought processes to elaborate their psychical experiences.

Adolescence, 2024, 42, 2, 293-305.

Léo Pommier, Brigitte Blanquet: theatrical approach to antisociality

The authors approach issues of criminal acts in adolescence through the lens of a theatrical therapy. They suggest some ways of understanding the work these adolescents do re-actualizing old scenes that await symbolization. Performing on stage remains at the service of figurability. It is an attempt to free the adolescent’s Ego from ambiguity by addressing the remains of traumatic experiences in the deferred action.

Adolescence, 2021, 39, 2, 283-297.