Can neuroscience lead to a new metapsychology of adolescence? N. Georgieff’s paper leads us to question the concepts of complementarity and integration, especially complementarity developed by G. Devereux. It borrowed from some currently essential domains questions about the nature of theory raised by the development of relativist and quantum physics.
Psychiatric epidemiology raises a number of problems : the necessary operationalization of what is a mental disorder ; the conceptualization of what constitutes a risk factor, etc. These problems are not entirely solvable, but are nevertheless not enough to hamper the collection and interpretation of results, some of which are presented in this article.
Crimes and misdemeanors are, according to Durkheim, accepted terms that come from the shared conscience. But how is this conscience forged and passed on ? What is the criminal act ? Is every antisocial act due to pathology ? Is there an epistemology common to the field of sociology and psychology ? We will attempt to address these questions and their implications within the field of juvenile justice and the care of minors. Adolescence, 2013, 30, 4, 881-917.
After a review of some examples of epistemological dialogue between neurosciences and psychoanalysis (such as the theory of delayed-action effect seen in light of current findings about memory, the activeness of perceptions, dream and different kinds of memory, representations of action and recent discoveries in neuro-imaging, infantile amnesia and the movement from analog to digital communication, the theory of mind in light of projective identification), the author considers the problematic of intersubjectivity in connection with the question of polysensorial synchrony, before concluding with an evocation of some obstacles that stand in the way of this transdisciplinary dialogue.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7