Archives par mot-clé : Control

Philippe Gutton : pubertary sublimation

This text brings together earlier work using various approaches, in order better to define pubertary sublimation. It is a set of processes involving the pubertary experience towards subjectalization and adolescent objectalization. It is expressed at the level of the archaic through the interpretation that the extended infantile brings to pubertary traces. Secondarily, it presides over the construction of the ideals of adolescence. If subjectalization is in fact an inter-subjectalization, one can speak of a co-sublimation which has its origins in the state of pubertary illusion and disillusionment. The parental subject of the transference is its mouthpiece. The prevailing process of adolescent creation, sublimation would here be organized by the control compulsion of the Ego and its ideals as they have been rearranged between childhood and adolescence.

revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 895-912.

Béatrice Mabilon-Bonfils : do pupils suffer at school ? unspoken « ordinary » academic suffering

With second modernity, the construction of the meaning of a school system in the throes of de-institutionalization is no longer transcendent but immanent for pupils. The question of school experience and how students feel about their academic life needs to be raised. Our investigation leads us to posit that the feeling of academic suffering is becoming structural, albeit collectively disavowed. This article tries to shed light on the meaning of this collective disavowal and social « disappearing » of academic suffering, by the yardstick of contemporary social mutations, before setting up an ideal-typical typology of forms of pupils’ academic suffering.

Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n° 3, pp. 637-664.