An adolescent may transfer his own inner disorganization onto the people around him, causing misunderstandings and tensions to emerge among them. The problematic that the adolescent is unconsciously asking them to harbor may induce great interpersonal violence, with the risk of shattering institutional bonds. Several examples will shed light on the intersubjective mechanisms at work in this phenomenon.
After more than seventy years of peace in western Europe, one may wonder what becomes of destructiveness in such unprecedented conditions. Perhaps we are witnessing what might be likened to “civil wars”: suicides, family break-ups, the policing of civilian life. After presenting two clinical vignettes, one illustrating intrafamilial wars, the other illustrating institutional wars, the author will compare these two forms and offer some considerations about the difference between individual and group passages to the act.
Through this work the author tries to identify parenting’s space of conflicts within the context of migration. He emphasizes the inter-and intra-generational aspects of these conflicts, as well as the absence of traces by which parents could enter into resonance with their children’s adolescence. He seeks to disengage these conflicts from the limited framework of the intrapsychical dimension, and to inscribe them in a larger framework, an interpersonal and interpsychical one that includes the impact of the professional and social environment. He proposes parents/adolescent therapeutic consultations, which are opened on the “ Network ” as an alternative in repairing the meshes of parenting and of parental functions.
Adolescence, septembre 2002, 20, 3, 509-519
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7