Using the subjective experience of the protagonists of the film Wolf & Dog (2023), the authors focus on the adolescent gender exploration on an island that is supposed to be totally cut off from globalization. Evolving in an area far from the society of consumption, where do these youth get their tendency to explore gender, which they do under the sometimes kindly, sometimes hostile eye of adults? How do the inhabitants of the island return – or not – to the normative systems set up by religious tradition?
This paper explores the place of the experiences of adolescence through an historical and political reflection on the sense of community. Youths were always on the front lines of civilizations movements of insurrection and emancipation, although the disasters of the 20th century have left their mark on human achievements and have profoundly disturbed relations between plan and action and confidence in the future. The violence of the act is within us, even in the external forms we use to protect ourselves from it. Imagining how to approach adolescence and fit its manifestations into the more vast rhythms of the generations would require us to acknowledge the damage and the contradiction at the heart of our community and to take care, at every moment of human life, of the ongoing metamorphosis in which we are involved.
Developing the theme of culture among friends accentuates the shared ideals that are constructed at this time. In a first chapter, this “ adolescens or intersubjectal culture ” is differentiated from the intergenerational “ psychology of fathers and mothers ”. It helps to construct adolescent communities whose references are a-familial.
Groups of couples should be distinguished from communities of friends. The first have a class dialectic with institutions. The second have intercommunity relations which are inter and intra-generational. These theoretical points of view will conclude with the analysis of the adolescent friendship of Paul Cézanne and Émile Zola and its outcome.
After school, adolescents are on the net. Social networks, Facebook in particular, take up a large part of their virtual life. The virtual world seems to be a true platform for the playing out of adolescent games and issues. In this article, we see Facebook partly as a theater of self, a stage in itself and for the self. Talking about Facebook as a stage where the adolescent exposes himself presupposes that there is a show to see, and we may ask ourselves if this is not a showing of the adolescent moment, of the projection of certain fantasies, inner scenes that we are permitted to see through the window of Facebook. Using the case of Elisa, we will discuss the way in which Facebook can become the adolescent’s own place, an interface where adolescent fear recedes and a place for identification with peers. Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 471-481.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7