Archives par mot-clé : Aids

Damien Rwegera : The situation in africa

The Aids epidemics that does not seem to regress in Africa has a catastrophic impact on children, adolescents and adults. The consequences of such a situation are sanitary, economic and demographic. The adolescents, who are more than a billion in the world, are very concerned, particularly in Africa where only very few of them go to school and who for many of them either remain in the streets and/or prostitute themselves. Anti-Aids committees have been organized among school children and teachers, information and education in terms of prevention try to move as far as the rural villages. Associations try to help the authorities. People suffering from Aids themselves try to inform and by telling their stories promote a decline of denial and exclusion. Yet medical and psychosocial help and care should be better, for, if they weren’t, the discourse on prevention would be totally useless.

Dana Rudelic-Fernandez : What kind of language should be used for prevention at school ?

In the course of prevention network in CRIPS, the author presents a research carried out on the the language underlying the actions of communication and prevention of Aids towards young people. The aim was to analyze, amid every single act of communication the representations covering words in order to guarantee that the messages that are emitted do indeed refer to the realities and values that organize on the one hand the sociolinguistic universe of the adults and on the other, that of the youths. The question thus asked is whether the modes of expresion can be transposed one from the other.

Pierre Angel : Prevention strategies and aids

The elaboration and organization of health educational programms with youths should meet precise criteria. Here, the author discusses prevention in terms of HIV and drug addiction. Only a credible information, adapted to the public aimed at, may exercize some positive influence : it should be given mainly to vulnerable subjects but also to the whole community. International cooperation in that field is more than ever on today’s agenda.

Alain Abelhauser, Laurent Ottavi : Between clinical approach and ethics

The  » ethical questions  » raised by Aids are not specific to it. Yet, though not specific to it, they may take an examplary character as is evidenced by the clinical situation which we present here. The latter, by confronting the doctors to a specific impossible choice, and putting the  » paternal function  » directly at play, enables us to define what we suggest to call an  » ethical position « , as opposed to the concepts of deontology or morals, and stress its essential link with the  » clinical  » touch understood as an art of the  » case-to-case « , i.e. a place where the singularity of the subject is to be revealed.

Marie Choquet : Risk behaviour at adolescence

In this paper, the author comments two epidemiological studies on the use of condoms with youths between 15 and 18 (H. Lagrange, B. Lhomond, and the ACSJ team) and the risk frequency rate of Aids among the young drug-users (F.Lert). She draws the following conclusions :

– adolescents are responsible subjects who do respond to health messages,

– prevention actions may be useful and efficient,

– however the actions with high-risk youths should be thought over more carefully.

François Pommier : Aids and the fantasy of immortality

The defence strategies of the Aids pathologies towards finitude strongly recall those building themselves up during adolescence. An ego wounded and attacked by the unbinding forces and infantile ideals trying to disentangle themselves rest in the latter. The resurgence of the fantasy of immortality coming up again and unfolding itself during puberty enables the wiping out or the misappreciation of the wound. Through some extracts from the psychoanalytic cure of a patient suffering from Aids, we shall try to show how such a fantasy is liable to emerge and also how far the psychoanalyst, with reference to the idea of a forecast death may find himself blotted out from his position of neutrality and confronted to his own belief in immortality.

Nino Rizzo : From the fear of love to love of aids

After the decade of the 80’s, Aids has become an unavoidable fact of life for teenagers and young adults. This may be indeed more psychological than real. It has become a social phenomenon with obvious quantitative and statistical aspects. How therefore is the psychological reality articulated in the individual confronted to Aids ? Such an articulation seems to depend upon the psychological structure of adolescence thus becoming some kind of  » revelator  » of this deep down structure. Through the analysis of a young borderline individual, the author tries to show its significance for such a youth, its place in her psychological economy and the benefits that may be, or have been, drawn from it. In the theoretical analysis that follows, the focus lies in the pertinence of the concepts of death instinct and life instinct in the clinical approach of borderline patients.


Marie-Jose del Volgo : The fear of saÔd’s aids : Ali

On the occasion of a session meant to explore his breathing capacities, I receive Ali as an M.D. This youth, aged 25 will tell me about his feeling depressed and his fear of Aids. Due to the setting enabling  » a moment to voice things « , and to this ethical position of listening to Ali with reference to the psychoanalytic method, the analysis of the signifyiers lead me to bring his fear of Aids and his brother’s together within the associations knot of his discourse. Amid a technoscientific medical approach which is gradually more and more dehumanized, clinical psychopathology and psychoanalysis have the vocation to restore the ethical function and value of illness and care

Didier Lauru : Madness of touch

The fear of Aids makes the love encounter far more complex and creates an upheaval in the relationships of adolescents in the course of their first approaches of sexuality. The mad desire to touch the other person, magnificently embodied in the love ideal, can be hindered.

The author thus wonders whether those adolescents were to repeat phylogenitically the several stages of courtly love.

Brigitte Dutillieux, Caroline Lebrun, Bérengère Porret : Aids : a sesame for fil santé jeunes

This paper shows how the theme of Aids is tackled and used by those youths who call Fil SantÈ Jeunes (a free help line). Aids appears there no longer as a displacement pattern but as a true illness we should make out among others the ordinary fantasmatic productions linked to the puberty problematics and the pathological discourse of young adults. Even in calls for fun, the listener must take into account the reality of the epidemics and should take car of prevention