This article, as an extension of D. W. Winnicott’s theory of the environment, analyzes in our hypermodernity the opposition between individual and collective expressions of the antisocial tendency, the two central aspects of which are busyness and the destruction of nature. We will thus show how the process of adolescent subjectivation requires one to survive a lost planet by creating free planets. An account of a clinical case will illustrate our ideas.
The digital era, with its proliferation of screens, gives adolescents a stage on which they can playact their desires and conflicts. The use of virtual worlds, handy projection supports determined by the encounter between one’s own virtualness and that of pixelated worlds, will accompany the adolescent process. The use of virtual worlds pauses the adolescent process, but this can lead to a morbid dis-objectalizing process that prevents the adolescent from becoming an adult.
Dependence is part of the adolescent process as it relates to the reactivation of drives and the changes this entails. Group psychotherapy is also the space where dependence can be reenacted in transferences onto the setting and the therapist. The session, which calls into question the subject’s borders, echoes primary experiences of identification, but the group process will restart conflicts as part of the processes of differentiation and identity construction.
This article discusses processes involved in articulating and evaluating a model of time-limited psychodynamic psychotherapy for young people (TPP-A). Through the therapeutic focus on a significant area of developmental difficulty and/or disturbance, within a time-limited period, TPP-A aims to enable the young person to recover the capacity to meet developmental challenges and/or have this capacity strengthened. The article elaborates key aspects of the model and discusses an illustrative case.
Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°2, pp. 415-434.
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