This article recounts the psychical work that teams in institutions have to undergo during the intake and treatment of adolescent girls whose delinquent behavior resonates painfully with their own emotions and fantasies. It hypothesis is that in their transgressing acts, these adolescents girls resort to offensive, defensive and figurative acts – which require institutional teams to do a demanding work of elaboration.
Using clinical experience with radicalized adolescent girls, the clinical analysis of one of them enables the authors to investigate the intra and inter-psychical issues of jihadist engagement. This offers a first glimpse of psychoanalytical thinking about the resonance between propaganda speeches and the trials of the pubertary. Radicalization is here seen as a symptom, potentially offering the subject a new form of protest that is adolescent and feminine.
Few studies have been devoted to the father’s function during the girl’s adolescence. One of these functions, that of the father’s gaze and speech in the development of the feminine, is studied here. This gaze of the father renews the operation of the mother’s gaze in the mirror stage, but on the side of identity. It takes on meaning insofar as the father does not appropriate his daughter as a sexual object and establishes with her a relation characterized by the paternal function.
This article shows that it is possible to evaluate in adults between seventy-six and eighty years of age the psychical effects of traumatic events experienced over sixty years ago. Here we present the constructive processes of an adolescent Jewish girl in France between 1940 and 1946. In addition to being robbed of her adolescence, the clinical situation shows psychopathological disorders linked to cumulative traumas : a thwarted adulthood, difficulty becoming a mother, troubled marital and maternal relations and a ponderous silence. Retirement permits the liberation she has been waiting for since 1945, in particular through group acknowledgement and the process of writing.
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°3, pp. 601-612.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7