La théorie de J. Lacan passe par une critique des approches psychogénétiques de l’Œdipe. L’accent mis sur le Père et la castration accentue en fait le privilège donné par Freud à une approche phylogénétique. L’adolescence, moment de la déception des promesses œdipiennes, quand il s’avère que la génitalité n’assure pas un rapport à l’Autre, témoigne de cette réduction de la place donnée à l’Œdipe comme analyseur des processus adolescents.
Using two unpublished letters from D. W. Winnicott to A. Freud in February 1957, we will call into question the claim that, despite their theoretical disagreements, D. W. Winnicott was closer to the ideas of M. Klein and more removed from those of A. Freud. We will show that D. W. Winnicott’s interest in adolescence, far from being secondary for him, is present at different periods in his career and is something he shared more with A. Freud.
The idea for this article came from a study of the relationship with storytelling and narrativity in adolescence. Starting with an analysis of the narrative forms of a group of adolescents who are having serious problems at school, the author will show the non-normative grammar of these stories seems to stage mimetically a new contemporary grammar of the image proper to the reality show television genre.
Because of the psychical reorganization implied by puberty, reflectiveness is a major component of adolescence that can also shed light on the issue of subjectivation. In this context, imagining one’s own death paradoxically helps re-establish a form of subjectivizing reflectiveness while restarting the self-appropriating process. This work relies on the investment of an object-double which can shore up the suffering reflectiveness.
À partir de deux lettres inédites envoyées par D. W. Winnicott à A. Freud en février 1957, nous remettons en question la représentation selon laquelle, malgré des désaccords théoriques, D. W. Winnicott serait resté plus proche des idées proposées par M. Klein et plus à l’écart de celles d’A. Freud. Nous mettons en exergue l’intérêt de D. W. Winnicott pour l’adolescence qui, loin d’être un sujet secondaire pour lui, traverse différentes époques de son parcours et sera davantage partagé avec A. Freud.
Through a large number of psychiatric emergencies (540 under age 18 in 2001), we explore the relation between the passage to the act and the emergency situation in adolescence: doesn’t modern psychiatry tend to define a psychiatry of the act ? The latter depends on internal causes at adolescence, but also on the environment. The work with these situations is then defined both by the constitution of an emergency service as an interior setting and by the development of an exterior network. The evolution of a ward for dealing with psychiatric emergencies in adolescence can thus be described.
Africa, Adolescence, Psychopathology-ÁfTras haber estudiado un expediente proveniente de África, la autora coteja las características de los adolescentes en Benín, en Nigeria, en Costa de Marfil, en Senegal y en Zaire, así como en Burkina Faso y entre algunos inmigrantes africanos en Francia. Si bien los adolescentes africanos parecen compartir globalmente los problemas psicológicos de sus contemporáneos franceses, la teoría permanece profundamente marcada por le modelo francés, tomando poco en cuenta la especificidad sociológica de las regiones en cuestiónrica, Adolescencia, Psicopatología$
The metapsychological status of adolescence as a psychoanalytic concept becomes meaningful with the definition of adolescence as already described by the author in his previous works.
Hence, the clinical approach evidences the insufficiency, on the one hand of the traditional conceptions according to which the use of the concept of symptom aims at multiplying personality profiles in the new psychopathological group of borderline states and, on the other hand, of the approach as described within the structure of the borromean knot as suggested by lacan.Resting on his latest works on the borderline state conceived as a « state » rather than as a « structure », hence being liable to be present in any structure, and which rests on the concept of « limit », the author insists on the distinction between behaviours and symptoms at adolescence and suggests that adolescence should be considered as a logical time of construction for the sinthôme and borderline states as provisional or fixed states that are specifically unstable of such a sinthôme. He here closes his paper with a few notes on the study of the qualities of such a sinthôme.
The metapsychological notions of drive and instinct should be carefully distinguished. So are they in Freud’s german language, which uses both termes instinkt and trieb in an absolutely different way. However, they have always been confused since strachey’s syncretic translation of both by « instinct ». Instincts and drives are opposites in man : innate and adapted on the one side, acquired (precociously) polymorphous and anarchic on the other side. Search for appeasement (instinct) against search for excitation (drive).
In the human being, there exist instinctual behaviours of self-preservation, of which the theory of attachment has demonstrated the width, the precocity (early competencies) and the intersubjective caracter. On the other hand, in the sexual domain, instinct makes its appearance only at the puberal or prepuberal time. It is in the midst of the « silence » of sexual instinct, between birth and puberty, that the sexual drive surges and develops. It does this while leaning on the self-preservation instinct, and through the process of « generalized seduction ».
At puberty, the sexual instinct has to compromise with the infantile drive, which is, so to speak, already « in office ».
It is the infantile sexual drive, as repressed in the unconscious, that makes the object of psychoanalysis.
A clinical vignette of the cure of two adolescents, a neurotic and a psychotic one about their psychological work on how to deal with the oedipus complex.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7