Using an example of gender disorder in adolescence, the article attempts to study the unsteadiness of identity caused by confused and conflicted desires when the boundaries between love and friendship are fluctuating.
This article deals with the vicissitudes of the integration of the feminine in delinquent adolescent girls, especially those who are sexually delinquent, who overinvest apparently masculine aspects, such as narcissistic phallic features. As a result of early narcissistic trauma, these subjects struggle defensively against the integration of passive positions associated with harmful passivation and feminization.
Adolescence, 2018, 36, 1, 69-83.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7