Piera Aulagnier
Building a past for oneself
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Philippe Givre
Between auto-alteration and permanence of identifications
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Bernard Golse
Borderline states in the child and adolescent
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Claire Squires
Dysharmonies in the child : multiple complex entities
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François Richard
Borderline ways of functioning from childhood to adolescence
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Anna Maria Nicolò, Laura Accetti
Autobiographical narration and breakdown
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Vincenzo Bonaminio
The case of bernard
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François Richard
Discussion of the case of bernard
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Jean-Paul Matot
Negative hallucination and loss of the sense of reality
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Johann Jung
A paradox of reflectiveness: thinking of one’s own death
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François Richard
Suicidal tendency and the figure of the dead child
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Gianluigi Monniello
Analytic work with the adolescent
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Ilaria Pirone
Adolescens videns. if the image doesn’t tell about itself, how can we read it?
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Florian Houssier, Xanthie Vlachopoulou
Winnicott between inside and outside. Excerpts from his correspondence
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