ENG – Idéal et Idole
2013 T. 31 n°4

Odile Falque, Anne Tassel
ideal versus idol
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Jacques Arènes
the end of religious et adolescence ideality
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Véronique Donard, Eric Simar  
video gods. of the adolescent spiritual dimension in video games
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Dominique Bourdin
remarks on the vocabulary of the ideal in psychoanalysis
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Dominique Bourdin
issues of religious idealization in adolescence
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Marie-Caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky
« allah guides and misguides whomever he wishes ». religion at the center of the treatment  of the isolated immigrant adolescent in transcultural psycho-traumatological consultation
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Jean-Michel Hirt
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Amos Squverer
idol : an adolescent passion’s religious moment
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Gérard Bonnet
when ideal leads to passage to the act
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Odile Falque
The fantasy of the  blade
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Erwan Quentric
guilt anxiety and delinquent passage to the act in adolescence
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Philippe Gutton
the adult human other for adolescence
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Silke Schauder 
michael jackson’s « thriller » video : a negative metamorphosis of the hero in adolescence ?
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Amélie Dalmazzo
Michael Jackson or adolescence incarnate
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Florian Houssier
Michael Jackson, from moonwalk to the fetishized body
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Philippe Givre
Michael Jackson : raw fantasies
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Vincent Cornalba
the adolescent girl, figure(s) of’evanescence
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