ENG – Amitié
2007 T. 25 n°3

Jean-Yves Le Fourn
« L’amoitié ” “ half-and-half ”). from jonathan to jn. a. rimbaud
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Philippe Givre
Philia and adolescence
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Monique Schneider
Between the object and the witness, the friend
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Danièle Brun
What for ?
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Vincent Cornalba
Living with
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Christian Bonnet, Stéphanie Pechikoff
To the friend, to love
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Férodja Hocini
Identification, friendship and transference
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Rémy Potier, Pierre Bialès
Friendship in the virtual world
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Maurice Corcos, Emma Sabouret, Denis Bochereau
Sublimations in adolescence “ of sound and fury
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David Le Breton
Between jackass and happy slapping, an erasure of shame
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Philippe Gutton
Friend culture
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Eric Bidaud, Olivier Ouvry
Adolescence, clothing and visage-ification
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Pascal Le Maléfan
Georges-Arthur Goldschmidt, an adolescent oriented by the “ friendship of books ”
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Walter Ernesto Ude Marques
Bandit friendship : youth, violence and masculinity
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Joëlle Bordet
Friendship is rare in the housing projects
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Jocelyn Lachance, Sébastien Dupont
Temporality in risky behaviors: the example of the film fight club
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Brice Courty
The skateboard and adolescence
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Arnaldo Novelletto
Adolescence and psychoanalysis. confrontation between theoretical models and clinical strategies
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