Serge Tisseron
The Virtual in Adolescence
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Josette Sultan
Construction of an Imaginary World
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Thomas Gaon
The Future of an Illusion
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Bernard Guillot
Computer-assisted Psychotherapy
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Saverio Tomasella
Vituals, Brand Names
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Michael Stora
Addiction to the virtual
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Magali Moisy
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Karine Marot
Therapy, computer, trauma
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Caroline Lebrun
The telephone
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Sylvain Missonnier
Ingenuous Parenthood
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Jean Gillibert
Virtual Reality
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Philippe Gutton
Virtuality and its Conducts
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Marika Moisseeff
The Werewolf and the Male Pubertaire
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Sophie Turcat
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Olivier Ouvry
Orlan, Carnal art
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