Using two unpublished letters from D. W. Winnicott to A. Freud in February 1957, we will call into question the claim that, despite their theoretical disagreements, D. W. Winnicott was closer to the ideas of M. Klein and more removed from those of A. Freud. We will show that D. W. Winnicott’s interest in adolescence, far from being secondary for him, is present at different periods in his career and is something he shared more with A. Freud.
The idea for this article came from a study of the relationship with storytelling and narrativity in adolescence. Starting with an analysis of the narrative forms of a group of adolescents who are having serious problems at school, the author will show the non-normative grammar of these stories seems to stage mimetically a new contemporary grammar of the image proper to the reality show television genre.
Analytic work with the adolescent implies the elaboration of various forms of attraction and repulsion of the originary and the infantile. The author tries to pinpoint the different stages of subjectivation. This article will emphasize the gradual establishment of the reality principle, a passage that is closely tied with the physiological quest for the sexual object. The analyst’s function consists of enlisting the adolescent’s own capacity for imagining and daydreaming in the service of thought.
This article imagines the connections between the adolescent suicide attempt and the symbiotic relationship with primary objects, starting with the way that an adult patient is able to elaborate, after the fact, his adolescent suicidal tendency, the revival at puberty of his infantile Oedipal desires and the persistence of a symbiotic mode of relating.
Because of the psychical reorganization implied by puberty, reflectiveness is a major component of adolescence that can also shed light on the issue of subjectivation. In this context, imagining one’s own death paradoxically helps re-establish a form of subjectivizing reflectiveness while restarting the self-appropriating process. This work relies on the investment of an object-double which can shore up the suffering reflectiveness.
Based on therapeutic difficulties encountered in the treatment of an episode of depersonalization-derealization in a seventeen year-old adolescent, the author will develop several hypotheses about the place, origin and effects of negative hallucination in adolescent psychotic emergence.
This article will discuss Vincenzo Bonaminio’s clinical presentaion in three stages: diagnosis and clinical history, multi-focus and interpretation of the trouble of primary identification – in order to introduce a discussion of the differential diagnosis of psychosis and borderline state. From there, we will offer some hypotheses about the use of interpretation.
This article presents a clinical treatment that develops from childhood, through adolescence, to young adulthood, from three different perspectives: diagnosis, psychoanalytical psychotherapy and supervision. Are we dealing with a family traumatic pathology, childhood psychosis evolving into an adolescent borderline state, a problem of subjectivation? Interpretive technique will be studied in detail in relation to transference modes.
Autobiographical narration goes beyond mere inner recounting. In adolescents presenting severe psychic disorders, there is a more or less delusive construction aimed at organizing a prosthetic or grandiose structure for narcissism. The reconstruction of life’s moments can be an attempt to repair feelings of fragmentation. The autobiography recreated in analysis may then represent a reinvention of oneself.
In a sixteen year-old adolescent boy, the after-effect in adolescence enables us to analyze a dysharmony in evolution that is masked by neurotic defenses. Treatment allows for satisfying symbolization, until a subjectal disorder and delusive episode occur, leading us to hypothesize the existence of a childhood proximity pathology – both incestuous and symbiotic, involving the maternal object – which has hitherto been only indirectly discernible in a feeling of emptiness and evasiveness in love relationships.
Adolescence, 2015, 33, 4, 789-803.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7