Archives de catégorie : Héros – 2013 T. 31 n°2

Angélique Gozlan, Céline Masson : facebook theater : reflection on psychical issues for the adolescent

After school, adolescents are on the net. Social networks, Facebook in particular, take up a large part of their virtual life. The virtual world seems to be a true platform for the playing out of adolescent games and issues. In this article, we see Facebook partly as a theater of self, a stage in itself and for the self. Talking about Facebook as a stage where the adolescent exposes himself presupposes that there is a show to see, and we may ask ourselves if this is not a showing of the adolescent moment, of the projection of certain fantasies, inner scenes that we are permitted to see through the window of Facebook. Using the case of Elisa, we will discuss the way in which Facebook can become the adolescent’s own place, an interface where adolescent fear recedes and a place for identification with peers.
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 471-481.

Miguel de Azambuja : homer and tennis, football and music

Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal are two antinomical heros, with opposite qualities. One is elfin, the other is hulking ; one is elegant, the other is earthy. Distant descendants of Ulysses and Achilles, heroes often come in pairs, both indivisible and complementary. Does the psyche need this kind of bipartisanship ?
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 467-469.

André Brousselle : proxy hero. « in the house »

In the movie Dans la maison (« In the House ») a professor and writer lives through a gifted student, who himself can live only through people he observes and makes into the heroes of his novels. It would seem that the analyst could also live by proxy through his patients who become, if not heroes of novels, at least characters in clinical vignettes.
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 461-466.

Nathalie Guillier-Pasut, Daniel Derivois : the course of a clinical relation with a creative adolescent

The adolescent is extremely sensitive to his encounter with the other, both highly invested and greatly feared. Using an encounter with an adolescent boy treated in a child and adolescent psychiatric ward, and through a reflection on methodological issues of a therapeutic setting, this article follows, step by step, the course of the clinical relationship.
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 439-458.

Laurent Carrive : the subject is a hero. but how to join the circle ?

This article tries to approach the adolescent issues of the act and its associated themes, loneliness and failure, through their psychoanalytic links with the structure of the myth of the hero. First, we will recall how Freud’s adoption of the myth of Oedipus is still a very cohesive epistemological contribution, one that still has much to teach us.
Then we will present the fundamental analogy that must be established between the circular structure of mythical causality and the oedipal process of subjectivation. Lastly, we will show that the reactivation of the Oedipus complex in adolescence reveals the deep structural link between Oedipus, the tragic hero, and modern science.
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 429-438.


Solène Aubertin, Marion Haza : autistic, adolescent and virtual temporalities : where three worlds meet

The virtual is often criticized as a new addictive substance for adolescents. Here we will take the point of view according to which this tool fosters the elaboration of depressive capacity before their is a playing of the « I » (mise en je) in the real. Screen and body of the subject, the computer would be a first place of symbolization, on the way to genuine subjectivation. Leading to another space and another time, the virtual first allows one to approach in a different way the issue of temporality in its relation to loss. Since loss of the object engenders the « I », how might the virtual be another place where absence can be appropriated ? How can it help in the movement from intemporality to atemporality ? This idea will be illustrated by the case of an autistic youth as an archetype of the issue of loss and the passage from the imaginary to the real.
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 417-427.

Julien Léon : dead father and imaginary father in the reappearance of the oedipus complex in an adolescent

In adolescence, the natural deposition of the imaginary father helps to rearrange Oedipal fixations and get beyond infantile sexuality. Here the author will try to show how difficult this is when the figure of the imaginary father corresponds with an idealized dead father. The therapy will then have to provide the adolescent with the possibility of elaborating the transference so that he can escape from the pervading presence of the imaginary father, a crucial step for the developing subject.
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 409-416.

Nathalie de Kernier, Yuichiro Abe : heroic murder and hybrid identity in adolescence

The hero in adolescence appears regularly in clinical practice and in literature. The infans seems to be a necessary figuration of the adolescent’s hybrid identity, a necessary passage for getting free of its control. This breaking free implies a symbolic, and particularly heroic, murder. The passage to the act should be understood as a quest for the symbolization of this murder.
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 393-407.

Vincent Cornalba : the valiant hacker. prince of the impossible

In this study, the author recalls the unshakeable link between the figure of the hero and the fate that awaits him. The adolescent, faced with this example of virtues that both provide structure and produce anxiety, may be l ask for anonymity while demanding to be called a hero. This is what the Anonymous movement, apart from its obvious objectives, seems to represent. It is a question of trying to dissociate the heroic act from the hero’s fate, the subject refusing to pay the exorbitant price of heroism that nevertheless feeds the search for subjectivation. The regime of the impossible serves as a backdrop and is thus the real question for the adolescent.
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 377-391.

Tito Baldini : from hector to aeneas, by way of achilles

The analyst who accompanies the adolescent on his way to adulthood is identified in the transference with a sort of « Hector » and experiences his patient’s analytical process as a transfiguration of his being « Achilles » into his becoming Aeneas, the only hero who manages to make it to a satisfactory adulthood. Classical texts and mythological figures do provide supports and representations that are useful in working with adolescents, especially in helping the transference and counter-transference to develop.
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 345-366.