This article presents a possible way of adjusting the analytic setting arising from the use of digital technology in the treatment of the borderline patient. The five functions carried out by digital technology in these treatments will then be presented: the virtual presence of the analysis ensuring the continuity of being; the play of touching-being touched; the play of the double limit; inscription of psychic traces; and finally, the work of virtualization.
What place do new communication technologies have in analytic protocol? Is it possible to carry out analytic work, conduct a “session” digitally, when this work is by nature apart from classic social relations and the usual forms of pressure and domination? The analytic stage-setting guarantees a stopping of panoptical ways of seeing. What are the “digital” possibilities of analytic treatment?
Developments in digital technology provide psychotherapists with the possibility of new treatments. This article with describe what is specific to French digital mediations. It will point out the advantages and disadvantages of online therapies as well as their indications and counter-indications. A discussion of a vignette of psychotherapy of an adolescent girl will serves as an illustration of how email can be a worthwhile mediator. A hypothesis will be posited regarding the processes that have enabled the changes observed in this online treatment.
There are two reasons to reflect upon the possibility of doing therapy over the Internet. The first is the dearth of therapists in some regions. The second invites us to think about the setting Freud imagined as a particular instance of a general theory and to explore other variants that could be adjusted to fit new psychopathologies. In any case, online therapy requires a protocol involving spatial and temporal references, as well as financial agreement and confidentiality.
Adolescence, 2015, 33, 3, 501-509.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7