The aim of this article is to relate activism at the time of the pubertary process to the adolescent’s dual mission of finding a place in the world as it exists, and at the same time finding ways to express a drive that will always feel singular. Issues of reinvestment give rise to a search for the right relationship between binding and unbinding, an unavoidable dialectic which defines the human being’s inscription in the world.
Using the case of an adolescent girl who is suffering because of ecological danger, this article will show that during this Anthropocene age, adolescents may manifest an ecological distress. Acknowledging the threat to the planet in the course of treatment helps reveal identifications and fantasies that could be connected to it.
Adolescent passivation seems to be finished now that young citizens are mobilized in defense of life on Earth. But rescuing the container is extremely costly for the developing subject if the adult does not provide him with reassurance. This can be seen in clinical work with some suicidal adolescents, who are able to reproach adults only through passages to the act, rather than through words or action.
Adolescence, 2021, 39, 1, 15-30.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7