Lou Andreas-Salomé emerged from childhood depressive and fell passionately in love with Pastor Hendrik Gillot – parental subject of the transference? – until the moment when she fled his proposal of marriage: the encounter with the adult human other is reduced to the discovery of a figure that reinforces the control of the phallic.
This article will focus on the figure of adolescence developed and filmed by Jacques Audiard in De battre mon cœur s’est arrêté (2005) and look at the way in which image-movement and cinematographic writing join with psychoanalytic concepts in a mutually enriching way. This film depicts an adolescent problematic – in a race towards perpetual enjoyment – and allows us to feel the somatic-psychic movements that will enable this young man to emancipate himself from it.
What do Balthus’ paintings of adolescence reveal ? Using Ph. Gutton’s recent book, Balthus et les jeunes filles ou le dévoilement du féminin, the painter’s work will be viewed in light of the issue of pubertary feminine metamorphosis. For like the psychoanalyst, the artist seems to understand that the pubertary feminine arises in the context of phallic infantile femininity. We also put ourselves in the place of Balthus’ young models, wondering what they are dreaming of.
The camera of Abdellatif Kechiche reveals the body in the throes of the drives and the metamorphosis of Psyche. Through the story of the young Adele, from adolescence to adulthood, the film raises the question of adolescent sexuality, the choice of love object, femininity and homosexuality.
Ways of using psychoactive substance in adolescence cannot be separated from their social context. The younger generation’s recourse to these substances must be viewed in light of prevailing social norms (speed, performance, pleasure), components of the addiction itself. In the face of the spread of these risky practices, the public sector has developed an adapted treatment format: the “Young Users Consultations”.
The spread of addictive behaviors in our society reinforces social and cultural influences on individual dysfunction. The quest for happiness and self-control promotes the ingestion of substances as an efficient technique. Professionals must now adapt their practices to this. A European study has enabled the creation of a manual of therapy for these at-risk youths who do not seek help: Process of Support and Alliance for Therapeutic Change.
Within its very etymology, addiction is tied to passion, an “incarnate” passion whose object would be not another subject, but rather an object that alienates the subject from his body and its needs: a drug or addictive behavior. After a review of the specifics of Freud’s vocabulary giving a glimpse of the links between passion and addiction, the author will describe how addictive conduct is triggered and maintained in adolescence.
Passion between friends in adolescence is here conceived of as having two aspects, positive and negative. The narcissistic-objectal conflict belonging to adolescence resonates with the adolescent process; passion may be supportive and organizing as opposed to disorganizing and hampering. The quantitative overflow that it inflicts on the psychical apparatus requires an adaptation of the technique of psychoanalytical psychotherapy used with adolescents.
Adolescence is marked by the subject’s encounter with the feminine and contains a potential for passion that in some adolescents may take the form of suffering for another’s sake. Discussion centers on another cause exclusive of the suffering that, I would argue, has to do with primal passion. Treatment work by way of the transference enables the subject to overcome the primal passion and exist as a desiring subject.
A clinical presentation of a solitary adolescent, who is not inclined to social conventions, is used to show some characteristics of boredom in adolescence. From ordinary forms of boredom to boredom as “symptom”, some uses of boredom, both productive and pathological, are highlighted.
Adolescence, 2015, 33, 1, 123-131.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7