The conceptual developments contributed by D. Guyomard in her work “L’effet-mère”(The Mother-Effect) enrich very much notions that have been explicitly set forth concerning the processses of adolescence. Thus, the pubertary archaic will reveal and explore the quality of the “narcissism of the link”: the initial link of the mother-daughter relation, and the conditions leading to the construction of the mother-object and its loss. This paper will envision the risk of a melancholisation of the link to the object and the repercussions for the identificatory processes, especially for the transition of the feminine between mother and daughter.
Focusing on the time of middle school and high school, the author revisits Freud’s adolescence using texts and documents that have not been published in France. These documents, like the few thoughts written down in the young Freud’s school journal, also place Freud in the political context of his time. The central hypothesis of this article holds that Freud was an adolescent confronted with intense passions which are related to certain discoveries linked to the foundation of psychoanalysis.
The presentation of an article by Freud on adolescence opens up an essential field of historical research, making Freudian theory appear as work not self-engendered but rather biography-created.
It can take time, sometimes years, to set up a family therapy, depending on the family’s resistance. Adolescence sometimes reveals flaws in the structure of the couple and the family envelope, which are linked to non-elaborated traumas. A clinical situation shows these processes, which are deployed within the institutional space and most particularly in the link bteween therapist and consultant.
This article will attempts to envision what is specific to adolescent psychotherapies using two clinical cases. The first evokes a form of “ideal of being there”, where the clinician is a benevolent interlocutor accompanying the adolescent’s intrapsychical readjustments. In the second, family disorder, among other things, hampers the encounter with the adolescent in the here and now of the session.
Starting with a clinical observation, this work shows the place that can be taken by a family approach to modes of borderline functioning in adolescence. This place can be conceived of only after a necessary clarification of context when a many professionals are engaged in the situation. The model of attachment, the taking into account of relational reality and the active engagement of the therapist are decisive factors.
Families of patients hospitalized in treatment-school facilities and the cargegivers share common fantasies of separation-adoption, reparation-destruction and seduction-rejection. In this “adolescent constellation”, parents and staff members regularly find themselves in positions of identification, projection, isomorphism, systematic reflection, echo. These phenomena make things difficult for the caregivers, but their understanding and their elaboration are an opportunity for the patients, their families, and the institution.
Around 30% of the Inuits of Nunavik (Quebec) are reported to Child Protective Services. In 2010, a Residence was developed specifically for these youngsters in order to respond to their clinical and cultural needs. The objective of the present study is to explore how youths use this residential space. The results suggest that, on the one hand, the residence constitutes a “permeable institution”, allowing a certain continuity in the youngsters, despites the many ruptures they’ve experienced, while, on the other hand, the young people who are marginalized in general have a tendency to gravitate towards relationships and towards the center when they have the space in which to do this.
The situations of unaccompanied foreign minors are a paradigm for the difficulties that professionals may face when parents are absent. Clinical work requires precisely that the parents be made to exist in the narrative, based on the adolescent’s capacity to narrate himself, in order to construct an adolescence that is mixed, between two worlds. We illustrate this through two clinical vignettes drawn from individual consultations in a Maison des Adolescents, in the presence of an interpreter.
For this French and Ivory Coast couple, stuck in a great social and elaborative isolation, parenthood was a painful experience, marked by traumatic ethnic mix that was crying out for transcultural space. This space enabled the parents to think about each one’s life history, migration, confrontation of cultural representations (having to do with children, parenthood, couplehood…) but also links and places within the family.
Adolescence, 2014, 32, 3, 521-530.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7