Sometimes diabolized or stigmatized for its violence, rap culture seems to stress a structural stage in course of which the behaviour and discourse of adolescents become necessarily hystericized, whereas, at the same time, they reach a more or less poetical narrative style. In that sense, the rap overflower, within its most accomplished ways, goes far beyond wthat might have been assimilated to a plain repetition of fantasies linked with the adolescent psychical scene, in such a way as it then on reaches a new inscription of its fantasy elements into a sublimatory process. Being a performative art, rap is precisely located on this very spot where some kind of giving up and transposition of an act into discourse does take place, even if it becomes thus compelled to keep up a constant ambiguity as for as the supposed giving up is concerned. In that sense, the “ prose combat ” which is part and parcel of rap enables at least to generate such a fit of hysteria liable to faresee such violent interpretation of the puberty scenes. In short, the rap stage, through a resaerch on language, on voice, on diction and on scainson of the texts, would promote a true freedom in improvisation and “ know-how to voice ” in accordance with the intrinsic rules of “ speech act ” and within the boundaries decreed by this kind of musical genre.
Archives de catégorie : ENG – Le temps de la menace – 1997 T. 15 n°2
MARTY F. : Hight-sounding devices of violence at adolescence
Every thing that sounds both attacks and builds the adolescent. It represents one of the devices used by violence in the course of puberty : now adestructive one on the puberty side and, rather, an elaborative one when on the side of the adolescens process. Being a stamp of the adolescent space, a seat for group identifications, a containin and protecting envelope enabling the adolescent to be safely confronted to the threat of its piberty fantasies, everthing higt-sounding expresses violence at adolescence whilst shaping it at same time.
BIROT E. :Drug addiction and ego addiction to the superego agency
The problematics ofaddiction is to be understood within its relationship to an object whose status of interiority or exteriority is constantly to be redefined. The clinical case of an adolescent enables one to illustrated the ego addiction to an externalized superego agency, both omnipotent and destuctive, split from its protective centre shielding narcissism. The use of drugs thus enable s one to respond to its contradictory ideals : the acquisition of an omnipotent position and the satisfaction of the chastizing demand without having to conflictualize them pschologically.
LIPPE D. : Juliette of the quest for a bladly indentified object
Developing at long lenght the case of a young bulimic patient around mutative periods of the transference relationship and of the fruitful drawbacks of a lateral transference within the cure, I try to stress the particular and specific characteristics of her objet relation. I suggest that one should interpret the addiction to food as being the problematics of flaws in archaïc identitification processes linked to the fact that the primary cathexis were “ to identify badly ” or were “ badly identified ”. The object could thus not be intrejected but only incorporated. Hence an endless quest (addiction) not so much of the object itself but, rather, an attempt to identify “ that very ” object in order to identify oneself to it and thus be able to avoid being alienated by it.
VALLEUR M., JERÔME É. : Addictions and the ordalic metaphor
The concept of ordalic behaviour, as a bridge across several disciplines in the field,of human sciences, is from its origins inscribed within a continuity of a descriptive, clinical, phenomenological approach of toxicomania. Not offering any explicative pattern, it yet offers a new angle liable to cast a light, and bee applied onto several kinds of high risk behaviours with adolescents. A pattern for addictions (in both the current and North-American broader sense of the word) may however be sketched while taking into account the opposition between two facets of such behaviours : on the one hand, dependency as loss of meaning, sometimes even a desubjectivazion, on the other, ordalic behaviour as an ultimate quest for a new meaning within the closeness of risk of dying in the same way as transgression may be a quest for limits.
Sztulman H. : Drug addicts : between addiction and ordeal
The most recent and various researches, whether clinical, theoretical or therapeutic all agree on a central theme : in each encourter, which is always singular, between a person, a substance (or an object) and an environment, one cannot identify any specific or characteristic type of either personality structure or organization. At the most, scholars and clinicians may sometimes stress that defence mechanisms, the type of anxiety and most of the time the economics of such subjects as drug addicts, or persons liable to be addicted, remind one of what we find with borderline states but surely not exclusively. Quite a few common psychopatological traits, all stamped with the seal of regression is, besides, to be found with these patients with quite a few consequences to have to be followed in the therapeutic approach : a regression from desire towards quest, and from quest towards need, a regression of the mental towards the behavioral, and from the behavioral towards the bodily, a drive regression from aggressiveness towards violence and from libido to selferoticism. Within such a conceptual context, the autor wishes to stress the functions at work within this kind of psychopatological posture (or vulnerability) : namely, mainly two, i. e. the addictive function and the function of ordeal which will be both defined, described, analyzed and, if possible, linked with the several kinds of structures.
CHABERT C. : Melancholic womanhood
the psychoanalytic treatment of adolescent girls and of young women suffering from severe food disorders, e. g. specifically bulimic behaviours enables one to point out quite a few problematics whose singularity calls forth metapsychological elaboration : the articulation of both masochism and narcissism enables one to stress the predominance of a moral masochism underlying a severe guilt associated to a specific building of seduction fantasies. Indeed, the subject herein holds an active role, which confirms the strong belief of having seducted the father. Such a “ crime ” compels any recourse to self-punishing behaviours throug an attack on the body within a move which sounds highly melancholic.
GILLIBERT J. : The retrospection principle within the time of the cure
Around the logic of a retrospective and prospective time of the analytic cure, the author questions the processus of reminiscence, and of past and non predictive future. One should not attribute the logic of a retrospective temporality to a logic of the unconscious. Sucession never meant consecutiveness or causality. The unconscious, according to Freud, is nothing but the terms, i.e. the thing aura, in other words, what Freud called à “ thing (re) presentation ”. Language cannot be reduced to signs or symbols. No language can say what and who I am. There is a founding and therapeutic grounding breach between the several mecanings and the “ saying ”. Four clinical examples account for it. Indeed symptomatology compels one to believe in some cause and also causes the cause (where psychoanalysis embezzles itself whithin what it termed psychological causality).
JEAMMET Philippe: Violence carries in itself a deadly dimension
It denies the subjectivity of whoever has to bear it, but reflects mirrorlike a threat on the subfectivy of whoever enacts it. Thus it may be considered as a primary defence reaction from a threatened identity. The experience of institutional life in psychiatry as well as the psychotherapies of subjects suffering from behaviour disorders are a priviledged place to study the latter one. Adolescence is a life stage most liable to expressions of violence due to the nature of the psychological changes that are imposed by puberty. Care should take into account such specificities of the psychological functioning of violent patients. The space for such care should be viewed as a figuration of the internal psychological space of the patient and its handling should be made a means to allow the relationships they need to become tolerable. Mediations and a concrete third function have a very special seat whithin such a handling.